Monday, March 10, 2014

The Blue Hole On Monday Mystery...!

Unlike many of the mysteries we have here at the Hermit's, this one is actually in the states and can be visited. Not that I would want to, ya know?

Seems to me that a lot of areas have a place called the "Blue Hole", but I reckon that's just coincidence or something. I do know that my hometown of Georgetown here in Texas has a place that used to go by the same name.

The Blue Hole

New Jersey’s sprawling pine barrens are a place of great mystery. One such strange site is the Blue Hole of Winslow Township. The Blue Hole is located in the midst of a dense wilderness, and is immediately peculiar. While all the other bodies of water in the area tend to be brown and murky, the water of the Hole is a crystalline blue.

Even at the height of summer, the Blue Hole is quite cold, and legends claim that it might be bottomless. There is an element of danger as well; there are reports of whirlpools and beasts dragging swimmers down into their depths, never to be seen again. People have even claimed to see the infamous Jersey Devil haunting the Blue Hole, waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting victim.

Like some of the other entries on this list, the Blue Hole is easily investigated by amateur sleuths and monster hunters; it is part of a public wildlife preserve and easily reachable on foot.

Thanks to the folks over at Listverse for letting us know about this place. I know that some of you might want to go and check it out, and if you go be sure to take your camera 'cause I want to know what you see! I ain't going, but I'll look at the pictures, OK?

Coffee out on the patio again this morning. Temps are supposed to go back up into the 70s and that's fine by me!


  1. Some amazing mysteries out there, aren't there? Warm weather would be welcome. Shall I bring some lemon pound cake?

  2. Some wonderful creepy spots abound here. Check out the magazine "Weird NJ" It's on-line, too. Mmmm! Lemon pound cake? Thanks Momlady!

  3. Great story; I think almost every state has it's mystery spot. Don't think I'll visit this one tho - too creepy. It has warmed up here a little, 35 degrees this morning and snow is melting. think I like your temperature a lot better tho. Save a spot for me on the swing.

  4. What surprises me the most is that New Jersey has "a dense wilderness".

  5. Never heard of this place before. And I doubt I'll back to look for it either. Dizzy although I haven't been back in almost 40 yrs I remember some really beautiful country. My niece live pretty far into that wilderness and they sometimes have bears roaming their yard.

    I will see you all on the patio

  6. Hey Momlady...
    Way too many mysteries to cover them all! Keeps life interesting!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I think I've seen that site before!

    That pound cake does sound good, doesn't it?

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda M...
    I believe you are right about the mystery spots all over the country! We are pretty diverse, that's for sure!

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Does sound a little strange, doesn't it?

    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Jo...
    I figured you could show us all around this place!

    I don't blame you for wanting to stay away from it!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  7. Sounds interesting! Doubt I would make it that far from home, but like you, i'd like to see me a seat n a slice of LM's cake please :))

  8. In 2002 I visited the smaller Bottomless Lakes near Roswell, NM. There's one big one. Each lake is of a different color of blue. Stories were that when discovered, cowboys tied ropes together an' never found bottoms of the smaller lakes. But I found tons of stocked rainbow trout.

  9. Hey Mamahen...
    It is kinda a long way for me to go as well! Guess we'll have to settle for the pictures!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Billy Bob...
    See? I had no idea that the area of New Mexico had any of the bottomless lakes!

    Good to know that there is good fishing there at any rate!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. Interesting! I wonder if we have anything like it here? But I got two ysteriestoday because I don't think I've ever heard of the Jersey Devil before. Had to check it on the net when I had some time left while working :-)

    Have a great day!

  11. Hey Christer...
    Nothing like getting a two for one deal, right?

    Thanks for the visit today!
