Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ready Or Not, It's 'Toon Time...!

We go through this every Sunday, don't we? Nothing ever seems to change except the character of the day!

I reckon I need to find another way to start off the Sunday postings. Ya know, something besides the 'toons. Until then, here we go!

Bugs is always good for a start. At least, it seems that way!

Ya know, Daffy has been around almost as long as Bugs. Getting old like me, I reckon!

Let's have just one more!

OK, that's enough of the silly stuff for now. I know you all have other things to do! Me...I'm gonna read a book!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Gonna be hot later, so we should enjoy the morning cool!


  1. We LOVE your 'toons, Mr Hermit! Going to be in the 80's here today.

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    I'm glad that you do! Looks like you are finally getting some warmer weather and that's a good thing!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  3. I love the Sunday morning cartoons. :)

    Have a great day!

  4. Old toons like old friends are always nice to see.... Got a big bowl fruit salad i'll share :))

  5. good toon's this morning.

    Only going to be 101 today so they say, but by 9:45 am I had to leave the porch for cooler climes in the house.
    Hope you have a good book to read. Maybe today I will finish mine really enjoying it.
