Monday, July 7, 2014

Old Glyphs In The Desert...!

Here is a little mystery fairly close to home. It's always fun to try and figure out why these types of drawings and carvings were made.

Sometimes it seems like the more we discover, the less we actually know. Sorta the old "one step forward, two steps back" thing, ya know?

The Blythe Geoglyphs

Photo credit: Ron Gilbert
The Blythe Intaglios are a collection of dozens of geoglyphs found in the Colorado Desert near Blythe, California. They show various representations of animals, geometric shapes, and giant humans, the largest depicting a 50-meter (170 ft) man. The true scope of the geoglyphs was unknown until 1932, when it was viewed from the air.

Based on their location, they were likely constructed by the Quechan or Mojave Indians. The etchings are supposed to represent important figures from these respective cultures. Two, for instance, are thought to represent Mastamho and Kataar, two creator deities found in Mojave culture.

But we still know remarkably little about the carvings for certain. They could have been made as long as 10,000 years ago or as recently as 450 years ago.

You just have to wonder who actually made them and why. Another one of those mysteries that we may never know the answer to, I reckon!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's gonna be another hot one!


  1. There is so much of human history that is lost to time. We have little context for much of what is discovered.

  2. Saw pictures of what they look liked taken from an airplane - very, very interesting! Coffee on the patio it is - I'll bring fresh fruit!

  3. Very interesting ..will need to read more...ty for the links. I'll meet everyone on the patio...Fresh fruit sounds good :))

  4. I still wonder what compelled ancient man to make these drawings. And if they can be seen mainly from the air who were they made for? Hmmmmm! Coffee on the patio with fresh fruit sounds good

  5. I would love to take trip there and visit these finds. I'am fascinated with all of these finds. Thanks for this post.

    Patio time sounds great.

  6. Thank you for sharing this. I was fortunate enough to go see some petroglyphs that I had never seen before just about 50 miles from my home this weekend in the New Mexico desert on some private land so it is still pretty pure.

  7. Maybe they were sending a picture message to the flying saucers (grin).

  8. Hey Sixbears...
    Always so much left to learn.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I think the idea of fresh fruit sounds great!

    Certainly have an air of mystery to them, right?

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Hope you can use the links without too much trouble. Sometimes they work and sometimes...not!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda M...
    That's the main question and mystery for me. Big undertaking for an ancient people.

    Lots to still learn here.

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Maybe you could take a little camping trip down in that direction.

    Take a lot of pictures if you go.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Justdifferent...
    That must have been an exciting trip! I hope you took a lot of pictures as well!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Trying to scare them off with that drawing of a BIG man? Could be!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. I've seen something about this on TV and video. The theory was that they were intended to be seen from the air, but by whom and for what reason? A mystery for sure.

  10. Hey Bob...
    Does make you wonder, doesn't it?

    Thanks for dropping by today!
