Saturday, July 26, 2014

Some Saturday Humor...!

Since so many of us are in the same age group (so to speak), I thought this might draw a grin or two!

I hope you found this as funny as I did! Coffee out on the patio before it gets any hotter!


  1. Yup! I guess that would be the final one! Love B.C. - I'll bring fresh watermelon - that'll cool us off!

  2. Hey Linda...
    I thought so!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Sounds like a good idea to me!

    BC is pretty funny most of the time!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Good one.

    Yes lets enjoy the cool morning before having to hibernate for the rest of the day again.

  4. Lol...funny might be the only thing left on my list :))

  5. Hey Jo...
    Yeah, morning temps are not too bad. Gonna be hot later...really HOT!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Might be that way for a lot of folks!

    Thanks for the visit!
