Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How About This Traffic...?

Back when I was still a working slob and had to commute back and forth to work, I tried to live as close to work as I could. The reason? I didn't like traffic!

As this story will indicate, traffic jams can get pretty nasty, but hopefully none of us will ever be caught in a traffic nightmare like this one in China!

The Worst Traffic Jam In History
By S. Grant on Wednesday, July 30, 2014

While cities all over the world struggle with traffic issues, Beijing, China holds the title of having the worst traffic jam to date. In 2010, the China National Highway 110, which runs from Beijing to Yinchuan was clogged for an astounding 12 days over a 100-kilometer (62 mi) stretch of road. Travelers were stuck in their cars for up to five days, and a mini-economy of overpriced food, water, and cigarettes sprang up instantly.

Virtually every large, highly populated city is plagued with traffic problems, with the biggest offenders being places like Bangkok, Beijing, Sao Paulo, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. In these places, folks often have to budget several hours per day just for their commutes. Even the average American in an ordinary city spends nearly an entire work week per year sitting in traffic. With automobile congestion being such a common issue, it’s easy to see how even a minor hindrance on a roadway can lead to major gridlock. This is exactly what happened in 2010 when roadwork created a 12-day, 100-kilometer traffic jam in Beijing, China.

This mega-jam spanned the China National Highway 110 and, ironically, formed from road construction that was intended to relieve traffic congestion. However, these highly trafficked streets couldn’t handle even a temporary reduction in capacity, and the increased maintenance trucks along with the roadwork quickly brought cars to a standstill. Making matters worse were the resulting fender benders and overheated cars. These setbacks left some motorists stuck in their cars for up to five days.

Of course, no matter how dire the situation, there are always those who can find a way to make a profit. As such, opportunistic vendors showed up offering instant noodles, other food items, water, and cigarettes to the stranded drivers at prices as much as 10 times their ordinary rates. Those who refused to buy from the price gougers were sometimes threatened with car damage, and there were multiple incidents of modern-day highwaymen stealing money and siphoning gas. Still, things stayed relatively calm, as 400 police officers were sent in to constantly patrol the road.

This dragged on for nearly two weeks with cars moving at the enormously sluggish pace of 3 kilometers (2 mi) per day. Travelers passed the time by playing cards and chess or napping on the hoods of their cars. Although most of us would never willingly enter such a debacle, apparently some truckers deliberately took the clogged route (when they could have taken a detour), because they wanted to travel longer distances and increase their prices. Obviously this didn’t help the situation.

Amazingly, the traffic jam vanished out of nowhere on the 12th day, which was actually a shorter time than some officials predicted. Seemingly overnight, local authorities had dispersed the congestion, and cars began moving at the ordinary speed—which wasn’t exactly breakneck on this forever traffic-heavy, accident-prone highway.

Incidentally, while Beijing might hold the record for the longest-lasting case of gridlock, the record for the longest traffic jam (in terms of distance) goes to Sao Paulo, Brazil. This city regularly has traffic jams up to 295 kilometers (183 mi) long.

I do hope that those of you still having to commute to work don't have this kind of problem. Still, it's one more reason to have a fully stocked "emergency essentials" bag in the car. You know, for things like food, water, cigarettes, and whiskey. After a traffic jam up like this one, a good stiff drink might be sorely needed, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Cinnamon rolls are nice and warm!


  1. I remember seeing pictures of that.
    Glad I am retired - sometimes it took me an hour to go the ten miles to get to the office. Cinnamon rolls sound wonderful!

  2. Bubba -
    My 25 mile commute (1 way) is really nothing by Houston standards distance wise. It takes about an hour, but I'm used to it, I guess. Folks coming here from other states, though, just don't get it - the wide open spaces of Texas are just that - wide open and far apart. Couple more years down the road, though, and I'm at done-with-that lady, I hope.
    Cinnamon rolls are always good, warm even better. Big hugs all around today ~
    Baby Sis

  3. I remember hearing about that traffic jam. Sure makes me glad I am retired. It is also why my hubby chose "flex hours" at work so he can avoid the heavy commuter times of the day. Even that gets to him especially when he encounters construction. Cinnamon rolls sound good to me

  4. I'm retired too and I still hate driving in this town. their always doing road work and it takes for ever to get things done here, even the detours are under construction.
    who plans these things?

    Coffee on the patio it is.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    I never want to have to fight traffic anymore!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    At least part of your commute makes it almost seem to be in the country, what with all the trees in the area.

    I can't imagine having to fight the "45 Terror Alley" going downtown on a daily basis.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sounds like the choice of a wise man!

    Being retired is a good thing, I'm thinking!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Planning? Who ever said they did any planning?

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  6. I am sure glad I don't have to drive to Houston and back everyday like I used to. Houston traffic during rush hour can be terrible. But now, I see they have added a lot more lanes to the highways.
