Monday, September 1, 2014

A Bird Mystery For Monday...

I try to find an interesting subject for Monday Mysteries and this one might just fit the bill.

While the mass deaths of some birds here in the states are more and more common, this one from India seems even more strange. I found this story over sat Listverse.


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Birds have been dropping dead worldwide in recent years, and this is a lot worse than finding your pet canary at the bottom of its cage. In Kentucky, hundreds of sterlings and robins were found on one woman’s property. In Chile, thousands of flamingos, 1,200 penguins and 60 pelicans died over the course of 2 months. Mass bird deaths are happening with alarming frequency in recent years, but one place in particular stands our more than any other: Jatinga, India. Every year in this small village, birds will fly themselves into the ground. There are many mysteries surrounding this case: Why do they do this at all? Why does it affect different types of birds? Why do the birds only do this along a small stretch of the road? Why does it only happen in September? And why do the birds do this after sunset, when they are usually only active in daylight? Many people visit this spot every year to see the phenomenon occur for themselves.

You have to admit there is something really mysterious going on with all these mass deaths involving birds. Whatever it is, I'm glad it doesn't happen close to where I live!

Coffee in the kitchen again today. there may be some more rain coming.


  1. Let's just hope us humans are not next! Coffee in the kitchen is fine - I'll bring the cream filled donuts!

  2. I wonder if they stopped over in China and ate some of their poison bird seed. I have now become very wary of anything eatable from China. Poor Fred hasn't had much in the way of treats lately.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Donuts are always good! Humans may start next...who knows?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey John...
    Gamey is the right word, I reckon! Don't want to have to do the clean-up.

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Guess you'll have to start making his treats at home. He won't mind!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  4. I have a phobia of birds...while I can look at pictures of birds MOST of the time...real ones dead or alive give me body shudders at least and stronger reactions if the are in flight or close to this bothers me on two accounts 1 what causes this and could it affect more than birds 2 the fact that since we don't know the causr, it could happen here :((... I'll meet everyone in the kitchen ...donuts sound great but no birds please...

  5. That is so weird. Maybe it is some sort of radio frequency or radar affecting their sense of direction. Good one for this rainy Monday

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    Sorry about the phobia thing. I do wonder if whatever is getting to the birds could be passed on to us. Hope not!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda M...
    I have no clue about what causes it, but agree that it is really strange. Seems like someone would have figured it out by now.

    Thanks for coming in today!
