Saturday, October 4, 2014

Let's Get Biblical This Saturday...!

Now this isn't as hard as it sounds, but I'll bet that no one expected a lesson about biblical expressions today.

Chickenmom (Phyllis) received this article from her friend Terry in Florida. Phyllis thought I would like it and might share it, so I'm doing just that! It's actually way too good NOT to share, know what I mean? So, thanks to Terry and Phyllis...we have a great piece of trivia to add to our ever expanding library!

Ya know, I've heard this phrase all my life, although not too often, but had no idea what it really meant! Well, as they I know! Thank you ladies! BTW, if you would like to visit the site this came from, you can find it right here.

Better have our coffee out on the patio while the cool weather is here.


  1. Thanks for posting, Mr. Hermit! Isn't it amazing how expressions can be used for over a thousand years? Raining here - I have a fresh apple pie to share with all.

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    Sometimes the meanings sort of get lost along the way!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Boy, you got that right! What would we do without them?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. That you Ladies, this was fun to see.

    Yes patio time in cool weather is such a great way to drink coffee with friends

  4. I think I would have to practice that. Sure glad pants were invented.

  5. That was great!
    DD mentioned pants, they were an invention by the horse riding people...

  6. Good one, Bubba. Never really thought about the meaning, but leave it to you and your readers to come up with an explanation! You are a font of useless information..
    Still love you, though, with big hugs ~
