Friday, November 7, 2014

Creepy Burial Practice For Freaky Friday...!

Burial rites and practices have changed over the years and will probably continue to do so for a long time.

Many of these practices seem odd and extreme to us now, and with good reason. They had a very high creepy factor! This article from Listverse shows just what I mean!

Thousands Of Dead Under Church Floorboards

Before separate cemeteries were created in old England, the preferred place to bury the dead was in churchyards. There was much profit to be made from this practice. A particularly famous and grim example of the profit from London’s prolific dead occurred at Enon Chapel. The preacher of the church, who was motivated by profit, began to inter the city’s dead at a rate of 30 per week beneath the floorboards of his church. The piles of dead bodies kept accumulating until there were over 12,000 bodies. This was unsustainable for a church basement, and compromises were made.

Corpses were stacked to the ceiling, and the gases seeping through the floorboards caused parishioners to faint and children to be accosted by corpse flies during Sunday school. Eventually, the basement couldn’t hold all the bodies so the dead were carted away to be dumped in the Thames River. Occasionally, parts fell out of the carts during such journeys. This horrified local residents who found skulls littering their streets. The chapel was eventually shut down once authorities discovered what was happening, though it was later bought by another party and turned into a dance hall. The parties were called “dances of the dead.”

I'm sorry, but this is definitely NOT a church I would want to attend! I'm funny that way!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Donut holes for everyone!


  1. They must have been some really stinky sermons! Cold here at 39 - warm coffee and donut holes sound good!

  2. I can't believe anyone would even attend that stinky church and then send their children. I need to clear my head of the very thought it's enough to make you gag.

    Pass the pot please

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    I would imagine that you are right! Not a place I want to be cooped up in for long.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Must have been a very uncomfortable place to stay for long. I wouldn't want to find out!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  4. And here I thought that smell was coming from that shabby person sitting next to me. . . or could it be me??

  5. As a Christian, I hate to say this, but MOST preachers would do something similar, IF enough money was involved.

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    Either way that's not a good sign! Just don't go near the basement stairs!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    The love of money can lead to some very regrettable decisions, for sure!

    Thanks for dropping in today!
