Monday, February 9, 2015

Another Maritime Mystery For Monday...!

Nothing like starting out the week with a long unsolved mystery, right?

Seems like there were a lot of maritime mysteries, especially right after the war. Of course, ships and light houses have always been a good source for unsolved mysteries. Wonder why that is?

Death Ship

In the summer of 1947, in the calm straits off the Malaysian coast, several ships received chilling distress from a Dutch transport Ourang Medan stating “the entire crew was dead”, before the caller stated he too was about to die. Upon boarding the ship, a ghastly and up to this day, unexplainable discovery was made. According to official US maritime reports the crew were “lying on their backs, staring towards the sun with expressions of horror, twisted into strange positions with their hands clutching outward.” The investigators hastily evacuated the ship and cut the ropes, just in time before the ship exploded. Theories include a leak of cyanide based nerve gases concocted by Japanese military scientists pardoned in exchange for collaborating with US weapons developers.

Thanls to the fine folks at Listverse, you can always find an interesting tale or two. Good to know, right?

Coffee out on the patio today. The high expected is around 77 with sunshine!


  1. I was stationed at a lighthouse for a year & never heard of any mysteries... I feel cheated!

  2. Hey Rob...
    That's a good thing, right? Or would it have been better with at least a small mystery thrown in?

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. Somehow this just made me feel depressed. .....have no clue why...Got up to 60 here yesterday...nice break but the cold temps are expedited again tonight..

  4. Hey Gorges...
    It is sad, isn't it? Especially not knowing why!

    Thanks for dropping over!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Sorry, I didn't mean to depress ya.

    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Haven't heard of that one before - great mystery. I'll take your weather over my cold damp drizzle any day. I'll bring some fresh baked bread.

  6. What a horrible sounding death. Good they bailed out and got away in time to keep from being the next victims.

    Going to be in the low 80's for us today. Been working on the yard doing weed patrol and clean up.

  7. The oceans are huge, unpopulated places and most happenings are never seen by a second party so that is why so much is unexplained. But I may think twice about going to the Bermuda Triangle on Friday the 13th. . .

  8. Hey Linda M...
    I do love that homemade bread!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Doesn't sound very pleasant, does it?

    Good weather for working outside, that's for sure.

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Certainly big enough to cover a lot of strange stuff.

    Thanks for coming over today!

  9. I've actually read an article about this ship just a few weeks ago but they never wrote any explanation of how this could have happened. Cyanid would explain their looks I guess.

    Have a great day!
