Friday, February 20, 2015

War Plan Red For Freaky Friday...!

Now this is the stuff that nightmares are made from, in my opinion.

I don't know why, but the PTB have always been more comfortable either fighting a war, or planning one. Scary! If we spent as much pursuing peace as we do jumping into another war somewhere...what a blessing that would be! Luckily this is one that hasn't actually taken place...yet!

War Plan Red: United States v. Britain
By Will on Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Despite fighting on the same side as Britain at the end of World War I, in the 1920s and ’30s the US drew up several plans for wars against other countries—even the British Empire. The plan included an invasion of Canada, use of chemical weapons, and a naval blockade of Britain herself. The scenario that would have led to war was predicted to come about due to a trade disagreement. If the plan had gone ahead, US troops would have occupied any colonies captured in the event of a peace agreement.

Despite years of hostility and warfare between the two nations, the US and the British Empire ended up fighting side by side against the German army at the end of World War I. This didn’t stop the US from making a backup plan afterward, though. Named “War Plan Red” (with plans for war against other countries named after other colors), the main aim was to remove Britain from her status as a world superpower. (Relations between the two countries weren’t helped at the time by the fact that Britain owed the depression-hit US $14 billion in wartime loans.) The plan was approved in 1930 and was active until the start of World War II.

And in case you thought it was just war gaming, it was the only war plan to receive funding during this time period. The money was spent on airfields along the Canadian border, to the tune of $1 billion in today’s money.

Among the concerns the American planners faced was the might of the Royal Navy, the manpower the British could draw from its colonies around the world, and (of course) America’s neighbor Canada, which at the time was still strongly influenced by Britain. In the event of war, Canada would provide a useful base for an overland or amphibious attack for British forces on America.

The initial step in the American plan was to invade Canada, first heading for Halifax to capture the vital port situated there and prevent it being used to land reinforcements. American troops would also attack Montreal, Quebec City, Ontario, and Manitoba in an attempt to stop the Canadian movement of troops to repel the invasion. A naval blockade would have been put in place to keep the British out of the fight. There were also plans to use chemical weapons, akin to the horrors in the trenches of the First World War. This would have violated the Geneva Convention and amounted to a war crime.

Even with all that, a quick victory was not expected. As noted by the planners, Britain certainly had the “ability to fight to a finish.” Although there were no plans to attack the British Isles themselves, an American conquest of Canada and other British bases in the North Atlantic would have severely crippled Britain economically, thus reducing her reach. As a result, Britain’s role as a superpower would have diminished prematurely, potentially losing control of many of her colonies and possibly negatively affecting the outcome of World War II.

Had a peace agreement been reached after War Plan Red was in action, the American planners had designated any areas occupied by American troops “blue,” meaning they were to become part of the US, possibly including Caribbean islands such as Jamaica. This would have prevented a possible British future build-up to resume hostilities.

We’ll never know how this would have ended, but a war between the two superpowers a few years before Hitler’s rise and Japan’s Asian expansion could have allowed the two future Axis nations to conquer whatever they pleased. The British and American economies would have been damaged massively, diminishing their respective abilities to stop Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The outcome for the world could have been terrifying.

Thanks to the people at KnowledgeNuts for putting this out there for us to learn about. Never know what you might find on the ol' web!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. We can handle the high 50s, right?


  1. WOW!!!! Who knew? -8 w/wind chills in more than twice that....high 50s sound wonderful :))

  2. I bet Russia and China have a plan for us, too. I'll bring the Dunkins to your warm patio.

  3. Thing keep getting scarier and scarier. I can't believe
    PTB would be that stupid. thank goodness they never followed thru on that dumb plan. High 50's sound really warm to me - ahhhh heat!!!!! Have a great weekend.

  4. Why should there be a plan to attack unless threatened in the first place makes us sound just like the rest of the evil country. It's good to have a counter but not to be first if there is no reason at all.

    Lots of work to do today so I need coffee too.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Never know what the big boys are gonna do next.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    That wouldn't surprise me a bit!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda M...
    For that we can be forever grateful!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Plenty of folks probably sit around planning stuff like this still today!

    Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by today!

  6. There will always be "wars and rumors of wars" because humans have not evolved far enough to be peaceful. We are a very competitive breed and that sometimes leads to fights which can escalate and escalate and escalate until we find ourselves in a war.

  7. How true DD! I read somewhere that the average human operates on animal instinct 90 to 95% of the time. Pretty sad we don't use our higher thinking skills more often.

    50s is a little chilly for me. Phoenix being home for me right now. But, I have all my Kansas gear so I'll dig out a sweater and put on a pair of long pants. The rest of you have my sympathy.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Even the good book says there will always be "wars and rumor of wars" so I guess you are spot on.

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Judy...
    It actually got up to 78 or so here today. You know how those weather guys are!

    Thanks for dropping by today!
