Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Means Cartoons, Of Course...!

Old timey 'toons! What would we do without them?

The chase never seems to end!

I just love these sounds effects!

Need one more?

How's that for a good mix? Something a little different, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, OK? OK!


  1. Love the old 'toons - especially for the music! Patio sounds great- it's snowing here again. I'll bring oatmeal cookies for all!

  2. Good mix this morning on toons.

    Looks like a much better day today so coffee out doors sounds great.

  3. Snowing here also....patio n cookies both sound good....toons were a great start for the day :))

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    I do like me some oatmeal cookies!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Glad you liked the 'toons. Nothing wrong with mixing things up once in a while!

    Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I know you must be getting tired of the snow.

    Thanks for coming over!
