Friday, June 12, 2015

Freaky Friday With A "Bang!"

I 've always thought that suicide is very sad. A gruesome suicide is even sadder, for sure!

When someone decides to end their life, it seems to me that choosing a manner that would be easier on the family and loved ones left behind would be a last consideration. Bad enough to put them through such a stressful time, but to do so in a strange way adds to the saddness I would think.

Death By Gunpowder
Chicago, Illinois

When W.H. Irving’s body was found in full rigor mortis near Chicago on July 28, 1893, police investigators were appalled by the horrible mutilation of the remains. The head was “blown to pieces,” the jaw hung by a shred, and the nose was gone. It appeared Irving had filled his mouth with gunpowder and struck a match, literally blowing his face off. A suicide note was found in his pocket. Police suspected foul play due to Irving’s respectable appearance and expensive straw hat. The suicide note spoke of virtual destitution, but the man had a job waiting for him at home in Winthrop Beach, Massachusetts. They also noticed fresh footprints around the body, but nothing came of these red herrings. Irving’s wife thought he’d gone on vacation, and that if he had committed suicide, he must have been temporarily insane.

I don't really want to even see any pictures of this suicide, thank you very much. My imagine is good enough to fill in the blanks!

Coffee out on the patio today. Humid and hot!


  1. Never heard of doing like that before. So sad that people don't realize that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.
    Coffee on the patio is always good - I'll bring the Dunkin's.

  2. It is just so sad when people feel they have no other recourse in life but to kill themselves. The worst cases are when they take other peoples lives along with theirs. My hubby's family had to deal with a suicide and it has left a permanent mark on them. There is always hope for a better tomorrow. Save my spot on the swing, I'm on my way and thanks for the Dunkin's Chicken mom. Have a great weekend everyone.

  3. Suicide is murder of self. Dang, don't they know that nothing is so bad that it can't get worse??? (grin)

  4. The sad part is like others said what they put their family through. It's awfull. I know of a case where the kids found their father hanging in a tree.

    Humidity is gone here this morning and so far it is beautiful out. I'll take a refill please

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Nasty way to go, I think. Must have been a gruesome sight!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Taking others with you is really bad. Just way too many folks in the world today that feel they have no hope. Sad for sure!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Rough thing for a family to deal with, that's for sure. Many questions always remain!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  6. So sad.. My brother and a of his were trying to talk her brother (also a friend) into just going to sleep because he was drinking n talking suicide...he went into the bedroom and got quiet so they thought he had so they went out to there cars and before my bro could get in his ...his buddy stepped onto thd deck n said hey watch this. My brother looked up n his friend shot himself in the b
    head...It's been two years and my brother is still having nightmares....

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Bad enough to hear of it, but to see it first hand...terrible.

    Thanks for coming over today!
