Monday, July 20, 2015

The Brennan Casino Heist Mystery...!

The robbery of a major casino very rarely happens, and when it happens it is rarely talked about in the media.

Books have been written and movies have been made with all kinds of wonderful, intricate plans for a successful casino heist, but real life is sometimes much simpler. This story from the pages of Listverse shows what I mean.

The Bill Brennan Heist

In the popular movie Ocean’s Eleven, a large group of thieves orchestrate a complicated heist in which they steal millions of dollars from a casino. In real life, it’s insanely difficult to rob a casino because of their many layers of security. However, one of the few successful real-life casino heists was remarkably simple.

For four years, Bill Brennan was employed as a sports book cashier at the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. On the morning of September 22, 1992, Brennan showed up for work as usual. However, during his lunch break, Brennan managed to walk away from the casino with $507,361 in stolen cash and chips. When police raided Brennan’s apartment, he was nowhere to be found, and he quickly became one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives.

Brennan did not draw any attention to himself during the heist. It’s believed that he carefully studied the casino’s security systems, as no surveillance footage captured him stealing the money or leaving the establishment. According to those who knew him, Brennan was an unremarkable loner who never caused any problems, but seemed to undergo an attitude change when management refused to promote him to a supervisory position. This was because Brennan had started hanging around with a regular bettor at the casino whom management considered shady and distrustful.

Curiously, this bettor also disappeared a few months after the heist, leading to speculation that he and Brennan had orchestrated the crime together. If Brennan did have an accomplice, it’s possible he might have been double-crossed and killed for the stolen money. But until Bill Brennan is found, this will remain one of the most infamous unsolved heists of all time.

All I know is that there is a lot of desert around Las Vegas and Brennan made off with a lot of money. The money might be found, but I really don't think Brennan (or his grave) ever will. Just my opinion.

Coffee out on the patio once more. I know, I's hot!


  1. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. For a looong time! Hot here too, Mr. Hermit

  2. Interesting story. And you are right about a lot of dessert surrounds Las Vegas. Good mystery for today. It is hot here also Mr. Hermit but all my friends are on your patio so I don't mind the heat. Save my spot on the swing and we'll try to solve this mystery while having our coffee.

  3. He is probably laying on a beach somewhere in another country enjoying the good life. At least that would be the more romantic ending.
    little warmer here this morning at 63 degrees should be another nice day I hope.

  4. I like Jo's ending but I fear that's not the case....storms here yesterday..muggy already.....i'll bring some cool fresh fruit to munch while we ponder this story :))

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Probably right about that! I don't think he'll ever be found!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I guess the hot weather is all over lately. Strange weather patterns lately, that's for sure!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    He doesn't sound like the beach type to me. Probably hiding in a big town somewhere if he is still alive.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Fresh fruit is always welcome. Good in hot weather also!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. I've got a hard time feeling bad for a casino losing money. Hope he's on a sunny beach somewhere sipping a cold drink with an umbrella in it.
