Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Fighting Parson For Western Wednesday...!

Not all men of the cloth turn out to be as pure as we would be lead to believe. Lot's of evil in some.

Now you would think by the title that this post would be all about some good ol' boy in the pulpit, but turns out that just the opposite is true. This man had a crazy ego and stored up a lot of hate. Luckily, he was found out , but lots of innocent lives were lost because of him.

The Minister Who Butchered A Peaceful Native American Village During The Civil War
By Heather Ramsey on Monday, July 27, 2015

On November 29, 1864, Colonel John Chivington led 700 men on a raid against a peaceful Cheyenne village at Sand Creek, Colorado, slaughtering between 200 and 400 Native Americans, with at least 70 percent of them women and children. He wanted to regain his Civil War hero status as a stepping-stone to become the first Congressman from Colorado, which didn’t happen. However, Congress later condemned Chivington for his “foul and dastardly massacre.” But he had already resigned from the army, so he was spared a court-martial. Later that year, the federal government promised reparations for the “Sand Creek Massacre” but never paid them.

Although nothing that occurred afterward was worse than the horrific slaughter of November 29, 1864, the Sand Creek Massacre eventually became as much a clash of two white men as a massacre of Native Americans by white American soldiers during the US Civil War. It all started with the hunger for glory and power by a former minister who wanted to recreate his Civil War hero status.

In 1844, 23-year-old John Chivington became a Methodist minister. With the Church sending him to establish congregations on the western frontier, he oversaw the building of churches and often enforced the law as well. In 1853, he went on a missionary expedition to the Wyandot tribe in Kansas.

His early life would make him seem like a natural hero, one who wasn’t afraid to stand up for his beliefs, even if it meant physically fighting the enemy. He was an abolitionist in Missouri before the Civil War, openly contemptuous of both slavery and the South’s desire to secede from the Union. In 1856, some members of his congregation who supported slavery threatened to tar and feather him if he didn’t stop preaching. When those men entered his church the following Sunday, Chivington boldly stepped up to the pulpit with two guns and a Bible. “I am going to preach here today,” he declared. From then on, he was known as the “Fighting Parson.”

When the Civil War finally erupted, Chivington declined a chaplain commission, opting instead to fight. As an army major in 1862, his troops surprised an enemy supply train by rappeling down the walls of a canyon in New Mexico at Glorietta Pass. The western threat from rebel forces was stopped, and Chivington became a Civil War hero, elevated to the rank of colonel.

He returned to the territory of Colorado, championing its admission to the Union as a state. With his hero status, he wanted to become Colorado’s first Congressman. But before statehood occurred, the hostility between Colorado’s white residents and the Cheyenne grew significantly. The Denver newspaper urged readers to destroy the local Native American population. Chivington jumped on the bandwagon, declaring that the only way to deal with the Cheyenne was to kill them.

He set his sights on a peaceful Cheyenne chief named Black Kettle, who had negotiated with white officials for his people to stay safely at their Sand Creek camp. With his Colorado regiment ridiculed as the “Bloodless Third” because they hadn’t seen battle, Chivington was looking for a way to regain his hero status as a stepping-stone to Congress.

On November 29, 1864, he led 700 men on a raid against the unprepared Cheyenne village at Sand Creek, slaughtering between 200 and 400 Native Americans, with at least 70 percent of them women and children. Chivington painted the battle as a brutal one against a well-manned, well-armed enemy. He emerged victorious, with him and his troops parading as heroes through Denver with the scalps of their butchered foes.

Chivington might have gotten away with the lies about his murderous rampage if it weren’t for a friend who had fought with him against the Confederate soldiers at Glorietta Pass. Captain Silas Soule was also with Chivington at Sand Creek, but he was sickened by the senseless massacre of peaceful Native Americans. Neither he nor his men participated in the indiscriminate killing. (They also did nothing to stop it.)

After it was over, Soule wrote a letter detailing what had happened to Major Edward Wynkoop: “The massacre lasted six or eight hours . . . it was hard to see little children on their knees have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized. [. . .] They were all scalped, and as high as a half a dozen taken from one head. They were all horribly mutilated. One woman was cut open and a child taken out of her, and scalped.”

Lieutenant Joseph Cramer sent Wynkoop a similar letter: “I think the Officer in command should be hung. [. . .] Bucks, woman [sic] and children, were scalped, fingers cut off to get the rings on them . . . little children shot, while begging for their lives. [. . .] I told the Col. I thought it was murder to jump them friendly Indians. He says in reply; Damn any man or men who are in sympathy with them.”

In early 1865, Congress and the US Army began their investigations. The Congressional committee condemned Chivington for his “foul and dastardly massacre.” But he had already resigned from the army, so he was spared a court-martial. Soule was murdered shortly after his testimony by people believed to be friends of Chivington. Later that year, the federal government promised reparations for the massacre but never paid them.

See what I mean? Evil can be in any man, but in a man like this embarked on a power trip it can hurt so maqny people. Special places in Hell for his kind, I think! This article was one I found over at Knowledgenuts.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. The heat index is around 107 and that's too hot for the patio, I think.


  1. Some of the most innocent looking people have turned out to be evil. Glory, fame and power have corrupted many a good person. Coffee in the kitchen is fine as 107 is a little hot for me. Raining, 78, and very humid here.

  2. These stories make me sick and yes not all men of the cloth are good.

    Yes 107 is not patio weather in my book. Pulled in yesterday to HOT1 and humid then it started to rain about 2pm and it's still raining. But it sure was needed here.

  3. Hey Linda...
    Makes you wonder if this man was always this way, or did he suddenly turn. reckon we'll never know!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. Hey Jo...
    Reckon there are bad apples in every barrel, but some are more likely to cause harm than others.
    Actual temp is only about 100 but that heat index of 107 sure makes it seem hotter!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning.

  5. Sad to say there are still some who claim to be Holy but are pure evil.... 107...woo it is....Is it too hot for French toast? I'll cook :))

  6. Sad and sickening story. How could anyone be so cruel?? -- And yes it is hot. If it gets any hotter, you will not have to boil the water to make coffee, just sit it out in the sun.

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Evil Seems to lurk all around...always has. It comes in many disguises as well. Glad this man never made it into national politics.
    Thanks for dropping in!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I do hope it doesn't get that hot, but who knows?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. That is beyond disgusting. Hopefully, he eventually paid one way or another for that.
