Thursday, April 14, 2016

Haunted Church For Thursday...!

Of all the places you wouldn't think of as being haunted, a church would be one of them.

Actually, there are quite a few churches in the world that are rumored to be haunted. One of the most well known is in England, of all places. St. Nicholas church has good reason to be consider itself haunted, as you'll see in this article from Listverse.

St. Nicholas Church

Photo credit: Stephen Nunney

St. Nicholas Church is practically haunted by default. That’s because the village of Pluckley, its home, is reputedly the most haunted locale in all of England. The Kent village is home to the Watercress Woman, who occupies the Pinnock Bridge, and to the ghost of a schoolmaster who committed suicide in front of his pupils. According to a conservative estimate, Pluckley contains no fewer than 12 active spirits.

The church itself is said to be the home of both the beautiful ghost of Lady Dering and the Lady in Red, a ghost who searches the adjacent churchyard for her lost baby. The ghost of a former miller who worked in the area is also said to haunt the churchyard in search of a long-lost love. Also, the ghost of a monk at nearby Greystones House is also said to be seen during the night. Finally, visitors to St. Nicholas have reported seeing lights in the church’s windows when nobody was inside.

Wow! 12 active spirits in one town sounds like a lot to me! But then, what do I know about ghost and spirits? Not much, I'm afraid!

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Church looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing the information about the church...

  2. Always love a good ghost story, Mr. Hermit!

  3. That is one place I will have to keep my hubby from visiting. He can sense Spirits and has actually seen a ghost when he was a child. Great ghost story.

  4. England seems to be the place for many ghost stories and sightings. Yes the church is beautiful.

    I'll bring a pot of Dunkin Coffee to the table this morning.

  5. Hey WW...
    It is a pretty place, isn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I think we all enjoy them. The good ones, that is!
    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    He might have a good time there if you let him explore the town. It would keep him busy for a while.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    They do seem to have more than their share of ghost. Wonder if it's because of their violent history? Pretty countryside, though.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  6. Always enjoy your stories and their is nothing like a good ghost story, especially around a camp fire at night.

  7. hey Dizzy...
    Glad I found a good story for you to enjoy. Ghost stories never go out of style, do they?
    Thanks for stopping by today!
