Friday, April 8, 2016

Raining Seeds On Freaky Friday...!

Here's something you don't hear about very often. Imagine it raining "seeds!"

Not only did they fall out of the sky, but they were still able to be planted and grown. If that's not Freaky, I don't know what is!

Rain of Seeds
February 1979

Roland Moody of Southampton, England, was startled to hear small, solid objects hitting the glass roof of the conservatory attached to his house. The objects turned out to be hundreds of seeds—small mustard seeds and cress seeds coated in a jelly-like substance. More seeds continued to fall during the day, eventually covering his garden. One of his neighbors, Mrs. Stockley, told Moody she’d had a similar experience the previous year.

The following day, Moody’s home was struck by corn, pea, and bean seeds that seemed to simply fall out of the sky. His neighbors on both sides were also pelted with peas and beans. Only those three houses in the neighborhood were targeted for the bizarre showers of seeds, and a police investigation was unable to pinpoint a source.

The phenomena gradually decreased and went away. By that time, Moody and his neighbors had endured twenty-five separate barrages and collected ten pounds of beans from their gardens. Moody himself gathered eight buckets of cress seeds. He claimed the produce grown from the seeds was good quality. Both Moody and Stockley were interviewed for Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World television series in 1980. To date, no adequate explanation for the weird showers has been found.

My take on this mystery is...don't look a gift from above as a bad thing. Instead, just remember the story of "Manna from Heaven" in the Bible and keep on keeping on! Hey, just saying...

Coffee out on the patio this morning before it gets too hot, OK?


  1. could rain seeds on my garden anytime. It's getting hot there? Send the heat this way. At least the radishes don't seem to mind the cold.

  2. I'll take seeds falling from the sky any day. Can you send some warm air up here, it is snowing again. Plus it is cold and very windy. Have a great weekend.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Sorry to hear that the cold weather is back. Hang in there!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    The cold just won't go away, will it? Cold and windy is not my idea of fun!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. This story was either published somewhere or on a special TV thing. Yes it is weird but at least the seeds produced something eatable.

    Been really warm here but yesterday it cooled down and then rained like crazy all night.

  6. Hey, Bubba - did my civic duty yesterday and went to serve on a jury, so missed yesterday's post until now. Fun stuff the past few days.

    We have so many trees that the birds sometimes "sow" a few seeds for us, usually sunflowers, but nothing like today's post.
    Hope you're still enjoying the quiet ...
    Big hugs -

  7. Hey Jo...
    It was on a television show about strange things.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    The quiet is good, but hard to get used to again. Good for you doing jury duty. Parking downtown is a real pain, right?
    Thanks for coming over today!
