Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Destroying Angel For Western Wednesday...!

There comes a time that some of the most feared folks in our history were religious people. That's pretty scary !

This next gentleman was one of those people that even looks the part for his nickname! I know that I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night, for sure !

Orrin Porter Rockwell

They called him the “Destroying Angel” and said he murdered 100 men. His real name was Orrin Porter Rockwell, and while the body count was probably lower, the man definitely knew how to fill a few graves. Born in Massachusetts, Rockwell wound up in Missouri where he became one of the first Mormon converts and founder Joseph Smith’s personal bodyguard. Rockwell was what you might call a “prayer warrior,” and when Gov. Lilburn Boggs ordered all Mormons out of Missouri, Rockwell allegedly tried to show him the light—the one at the end of the tunnel.

Rockwell was jailed for his attempted “evangelism” but was released after a year behind bars. As soon as his boots stepped on free soil, he hightailed it to Nauvoo, Illinois, where things took a Biblical turn. Like a scene ripped out of the Old Testament, Joseph Smith gave Rockwell a special blessing, claiming no one could harm the gunman so long as he never cut his hair. Just like Samson, this Latter-day Saint disobeyed his boss—but only once, supposedly to fashion his fur into a wig for a woman who’d lost her hair.

While Rockwell had a soft side, he wasn’t afraid to kill in the name of the Lord. After Smith’s arrest and assassination in 1844, Rockwell took revenge on Frank Worrell, the militiaman who was supposed to guard the prophet. And when Brigham Young moved the church to Salt Lake City, Rockwell was appointed the town’s marshal.

In 1857, President James Buchannan tried to forcibly replace Young as Utah’s governor with a non-Mormon. Infuriated, American Moses ordered Rockwell to torment incoming troops. Rockwell killed two men who were trying to supply them. Strangely, it took 20 years for anyone to charge the gunman, but by then, it didn’t matter. The Destroying Angel died an old man in his bed .

It's amazing to me that back then, jut like today, we have folks that are willing to kill in the name of religion. That sure wasn't the way I was brought up. Seems to me that some folks are way too willing to kill, given the right reason ! I wonder why that is ?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Keep an eye out for rain clouds, OK ?


  1. "killing in the Lord's name" is abhorrent. Religious zealots truly frighten me.

  2. My father sent me his biography years ago, Orin Porter Rockwell, Man of God / Son of Thunder, by Harold Schindler.

    It is interesting reading and sheds light on all the persecution that the Mormons when through before during and after there settlement in Utah.

    In the books dedication it's written to "Orin Porter Rockwell, Whose life on the American frontier deserves more than a legacy of hypocrisy and scorn...

  3. I was brought up with "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and those people that kill in the name of their religion are abhorrent to me. I just can't believe that any god would want people to kill someone just because he/she didn't believe in that religion. Guess that's why ISIS frightens me. Would you believe it is raining here? "Rain rain go away come again some other day."

  4. Hey Linda...
    I think they should frighten us all. There is no reasoning with them at all.
    Thanks for stopping by today !

    Hey Tim...
    Thanks for the heads-up about the book. I'll have to check it out.
    Thanks for coming over this morning !

    Hey Linda M...
    I think that is the way most of us were brought up. I know I was !
    Thanks for the visit this morning !

  5. I'm with Linda, there is a sickness in thinking of a god as a reason for killing.

    We have sme cloud cover today but no rain. Upgraded the temps for this weekend as 112. Good Grief it's way to earl for this

  6. It is not uncommon for religious fanatics to be killers. Paranoid Schizophrenics who claim to hear the voice of "god" talking to them driven by a desire to be "special" or "chosen" have always been the most prolific killers! More blood has been spilled over religion than all the other reasons combined! Rape and torture and genocide in the name of the "vengeful god"....

  7. Hey Jo...
    More rain here and it's expected to last a couple of days! It's hot and humid as well!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie !

    Hey Rat...
    You are so right! Really sad but oh, so true !
    Thanks for coming over today !
