Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Cartoons Once Again...!

I know we haven't had any 'toons in a while, so here are some to make up for that...OK ?


And just one more...

OK...I reckon we are caught up for a while. Back to the business at hand.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Thank you for the memories. Now it feels like Sunday again.

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    I take it that means you like them ? Good !
    Thanks for stopping by this morning !

    Hey Jo...
    I had no idea that you liked them that much. Guess I should start making them a regular again!
    Thanks for dropping by today !

  3. ...thanx Brother Jim, kinda missed those sunday 'toons...funny how some things come to be looked forward to and not really missed until they're not there...
    ...KeepTheFaith Shipmate

  4. Hey Ken...
    I know what you mean about missing something when it's gone. Glad you enjoyed the 'toons !
    Thanks for coming by today, brother !
