Monday, August 29, 2016

Strange Rain For Monday Mystery...!

We've had a case study about strange rain before, when seed pods fell from the sky. This one is even stranger that that, I believe!

Strange Rain

Photo credit: SWNS via The Daily Telegraph

England is known for rain, but not the sort that touched down on Berkeley, Gloucestershire, in August 2012. A tornado in Clevedon Beach, Somerset, caused seaweed to fill the sky and scatter all the way to Berkeley. Almost a year later, another heavy rainstorm dropped algae onto gardens and driveways in Berkeley.

Many observers were genuinely confused by the mechanics of lifting algae all the way from Somerset to Gloucestershire. As it stands today, the most common explanation is that an updraft from the storm lifted ocean water from Somerset that contained both seaweed and algae and transplanted it all the way to Gloucestershire. That being said, a solid answer hasn’t been produced as to why residents would still find some of these marine items a whole year later after yet another rainstorm.

I only have a couple of questions. What could cause this...and what the heck is going on with the rains in England?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning, because the rain is still showing up!


  1. Maybe it was a another mini tornado? Or it could have been hung up in the trees from the last time. Need coffee this morning, I'll bring the Dunkins!

  2. That is really bizarre that a year later it would rain algae. Amazes me that science can send people into outer space but can't explain seaweed and algae falling inland a year later. I do need coffee this morning so I'm on my way. Save a donut for me.

  3. They've got so much rain in England that sooner or later they experience every kind of possible rain storm. :)

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    No telling how it got up there. Makes for a strange rain either way.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Mother Nature can provide some engaging mysteries from time to time.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I hear that! I would think that this is not the first time something like this has happened.
    I appreciate the visit this morning!

  5. Well I don't know what that is all about although some comments are good. But you can't say it isn't gross.

    Under the weather this morning so no coffee here

  6. My neighbor told me that before I moved onto this place, that one day it rained frogs and here. Yep, it must have been a twister. Waterspouts in the Gulf pick up fish. Been way too close to some of them.

  7. Hey Jo...
    Sorry to hear you are under the weather this morning. Hope you get to feeling better realsoon, sweetie!
    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I've heard of places that had some frog rain before, but I don't remember where it was. Just never know what's going to fall out of the sky!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Oh yes, I see that the end of my first sentence is missing. It should end with "it rained fogs and fish here".
