Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Shake It Up, Baby...!

Sounds like the name of a song, don't you think?

Actually this is about a museum devoted to the collection of salt and pepper shakers. This collection is the largest one in the world. Best part is that it's close enough to go visit...if you are headed to Tennessee.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum

Photo credit: tripadvisor

The next time you travel through Gatlinburg, Tennessee, make sure to stop by the Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum to see the world’s largest collection of . . . well, salt and pepper shakers. The museum boasts a collection of 20,000 pairs of shakers collected over 25 years by the owners and curators of this quaint, peculiar museum.

You can also see around 1,500 pepper mills and learn the full history of salt and pepper shakers while viewing examples that date as far back as the 16th century. Entry into the museum will cost you $3 as of late 2016. But don’t worry if you think you have seen everything—there is another Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum across the pond in Guadalest, Spain, with a collection almost as large and equally diverse.

My Mom's Granny had a collection of salt and pepper shakers, but it was no where near this big. That's a lot of shakers, for sure!

Coffee back out on the patio today. Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday, ya'll!


  1. I will have to check this one out next time I visit Tennessee.

  2. I know someone here who collects but she doesn't have THAT many.

  3. Hey Linda...
    It might be worth a gander. Couldn't hurt, that's for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Does seem like a lot of shakers, for sure!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. I remember Granny's shakers ~ I think they were dispersed to any and all who wanted a set to remember her by. Not me, I have lots of other good memories ...
    Big hugs ~

  5. I remember Granny's shakers ~ I think they were dispersed to any and all who wanted a set to remember her by. Not me, I have lots of other good memories ...
    Big hugs ~

  6. Now that is a lot of shakers would hate to have to clean all those little things.

    To chilly here to have coffee on the porch so I will trot on over to your patio
