Tuesday, November 15, 2016

You Got Splinters In Your...What ???

It's bad enough to get a splinter in your finger, but to get one in your backside must be a royal pain!

This was a real problem at one time, believe it or not. Thank goodness it seems to be a thing of the past now and I, for one, an really, really glad!

Doctor-Recommended Toilet Paper

Photo credit: Eli Duke

Scott Paper Company, a leading brand in the toilet paper industry, practiced one of the most effective ways to advertise their product: displaying images of consumers’ sore “bottoms” and insisting that people used the wrong toilet paper.

In 1929, the ads garnered enormous attention. They stated, “After 40 years of age, doctors say you have one chance in two of contracting some form of rectal disease. The cause: harsh or impure toilet paper.

”Although some may view this as inciting fear, perhaps the ads weren’t far from the truth. Prior to the 1930s, the manufacturing process couldn’t remove all the tiny wood slivers from toilet paper made from wood pulp. After discovering that cooking the wood pulp longer reduced the splinters to mush, Scott Paper advertised their product as “splinter-free” and assured that both doctors and plumbers recommended their toilet paper.

As an older person, the last thing I need is another pain in my body, especially in my backside! That would be a real pain in the ass (pun intended).

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. So glad they have improved toilet paper. Twice in my life (in foreign countries) I have had to use inferior toilet paper and I am so thankful the stuff I use now is "soft". As you said I don't need any more pains in my body. Have a great day!

  2. What great post made me snicker this chilly morning. not to long ago I grabbed a big package of tp cause it was cheap it was single ply and rough uck didn't know they still sold that I gave it away to someone who was having hard times.

    46 here how about the patio should I bring a light jacket?

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    You and me both!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Funny how we don't appreciate the little things until they are gone, isn't it?
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Guess it's sometimes very true that you get what you pay for (in quality).
    Cool on the patio right now, but it's going up to the low 80s later, so a light jacket will feel nice this early.
    Thanks for dropping in today!

  4. I'm glad they figured that one out. Life can be unpleasant enoug without that to deal with.

  5. Well, it least it was a little better than corn cobs, or was it???

  6. Hey Sixbears...
    Couldn't agree with you more on that.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I reckon it was, at that.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  7. I generally buy Scott or another brand that is the same, but generic. I have an issue with my plumbing so some days I use a lot of paper. After a few rounds with this particular type, my bum is pretty darn sore!
