Sunday, December 18, 2016

Funny Old Christmas Somgs...

C' knew they were coming, right? How could you not guess?

Actually, some of us will remember these fun little ditties from long ago. Some are a real hoot, I tell ya!

And one more...

There! Now that we got those out of the way, we can have our coffee!

BTW, we have to have coffee in the kitchen this morning. Cold outside again!


  1. Wow! Haven't heard those is a LOOOOOOng time, especially Spike Jones. Used to watch him on TV. Thanks for the memories, HJ.

  2. I skipped the first one but loved the others. Haven't heard many Christmas songs this year on the radio and that's fine by me years passed it started Thanksgiving and you couldn't hear much else.

    Yes we had a low of 27 last night and early this morning so the kitchen sounds wonderful

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I figured someone would remember a couple of them.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. Hey Jo...
    Maybe the folks in charge have finally come to realize that they were starting Christmas songs way too early...but probably NOT!
    Thanks for dropping by today!
