Thursday, January 26, 2017

Still Want Some Honey...?

One of my favorite sweet things in life, and I have more than a few, is honey.

As a topping with fresh bread, a sweetener for my coffee, or just by itself honey is a very delicious food and, in my opinion, it's hard to beat! It remains that way even after I read this article from Listverse.


Photo credit: Wikimedia

Bees have two stomachs, one of which is completely dedicated to storing the nectar they collect from flowers. When full, this stomach can weigh as much as the bee itself. These honeybees return to the hive after visiting upward of 1,500 flowers. Once there, they pass off the nectar to worker bees by vomiting it up out of their second stomach and into the worker bees’ waiting mouths. This regurgitation process is repeated until the partially digested nectar is finally prepared and then deposited into a honeycomb. From there, the water is fanned out of the nectar, which reduces the substance into the syrupy bug vomit we all know and love.

Another good feature about honey is that it doesn't spoil...ever! It hardens from time to time (crystallizes), but can be brought back to liquid form easily enough.Good stuff !

Coffee out on the patio this morning, where it.s nice and cool but dry!


  1. Honey is my favorite food. I have some every day. I do try to avoid thinking about how it is "made" though. Would love to join you for coffee on the patio. Sure glad yours is dry. We had rain all day yesterday and then snow last night.

  2. Regardless of how it's made I love it! But did you really have to tell us? lol

  3. I love it to and I use to sweeten my oatmeal. I don't care how its made, bee's only eat good stuff as far as I'm concerned.
    Patio sound good to me, my porch is 28 degrees. Taking forever to just get this little room warm.

  4. Hey Linda...
    Sorry to hear that the wet weather is still there, but even more sad to hear about the snow. Bet you are more than ready for some Spring weather!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I know. Kinda one of those things that could have gone unsaid for a long time. Somethings are best not talked about, I reckon!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. And great for the coughs that have been plaguing my house, Bubba. Thanks for this little tidbit, I think ~

    Big hugs -

  6. Hey Jo...
    I'll go along with ya on that, sweetie! Good stuff!
    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Sis...
    Yeah, I didn't even mention the medical uses, of which there are so many. Sorry you are still having some coughing at your house. I hope you all are better soon!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  7. Bee vomit or not, honey is good stuff! Good for wounds too...

  8. Vinegar and honey was a home cure that seemed to help me when needed. A spoonful a day is supposed to keep you healthy. Nature's cures are the best.
