Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Strange Mummy Found...!

The police and emergency personnel never know what they will find when they go to answer a call. This shows how strange some of the cases can be.

Trash, Rats, And 300 Bottles Of Urine

Photo credit: sfgate.com

In 2015, firefighters exhumed the mummified remains of an elderly woman from her San Francisco home. The residence was infested with rats and filled floor to ceiling with trash—including over 300 bottles of urine. The door was blocked with refuse, and respirator-wearing workers had to enter via a window.

It took days to remove enough filth to find the mummified corpse of Anna Ragin, 90. Investigators believe Ragin had been dead for about five years. The cause of death remains unknown. No foul play is suspected.

Anna’s 65-year-old daughter, Carolyn, had been living in the residence for years with the body. According to neighbors, the daughter was delusional, ignoring any attempts at interaction.

The secret of the San Francisco house came to light when the daughter mentioned her mother’s corpse in passing to a tax consultant. Carolyn has been hospitalized at least once for extreme hoarding.

I hope something like this never happens to me. I don't want to be dead for five years before someone pays attention, ya know ?

Coffee out on the patio once again. C'mon Sunshine !!


  1. As long as you have family near I don't think you have anything to fear. I confess I have given thought to the same thing.

  2. I highly doubt that I could be dead for that long and no one know. First off (if he is still alive) my hubby would definitely know - he would have to do all the household chores - secondly if I stopped responding to my son's Facebook posts he would know. Come to think of it there is a possibility it could happen. Oh No!!!! I'd better make better arrangements for someone to always check on me. haha

  3. We'd know, Bubba, 'cause we miss you posting every morning (among other reasons). Who checked on you when you set the timer wrong, Huh? You know I love ya, but guess it's about time we had another face-to-face - been more than a week, and now I'm well enough to see folks again.
    Big hugs - 'cause I DO love ya!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hey Momlady...
    I really don't think we have anything to worry about. Never hurts to make plans, just in case, though.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    You know what they say...plan for the worse, but hope for the best!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Yep, I know you got my back! As long as I have you watching out for me...all is well!
    I'm glad that you are getting back into fighting shape again!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. I worry about you when you miss a post. And I love you too. I hated when I couldn't get on line. But these things do happen when there is no family. And it happen 2 summers ago when the lady across the street died and no one found her for 2 weeks. And the guy next door just died. but at least they finally put in a nursing home about 2 weeks before he died. Not being seen on FB is always a win since everyone will start calling when I am missing in action.

  7. I am sure Hermit that you are not that much of a hermit that no one would miss you. If you are late posting, I miss you. Everyone waits with bated breath each morning for your postings.
