Friday, March 24, 2017

Boy, What A Miser...!

Hard to believe that some folks can be such penny pincers, even when they have enough money to do anything they want anyway. Human nature, I reckon!

Hetty Green
1834 – 1916
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Hetty Green was an eccentric miser who became known as the “Witch of Wall Street”. With her business acumen she accumulated such wealth that she was the richest woman in the world. In order to save money, Hetty would work out of trunks at her local bank so she wouldn’t have to pay rent. When her son fell ill, she disguised herself and took him to a charity hospital; when they realized who she was, she fled claiming she would cure her son herself. Unfortunately he contracted gangrene and had to have his leg amputated. She always wore the same black dress and never changed her underwear unless it wore out. She moved back and forth between New York and New Jersey in order to avoid the taxman.

I can't imagine anyone living like that on purpose. Guess she was not only rich, but probably a bit touched in the head as well.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning.


  1. Anyone who acts like that has a real mental problem in my book. She must have had a traumatic childhood which left her feeling like she could never have enough money and just had to save it. No way to live in my book as I know I can't take it with me when I die , so enjoy it now. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hey Linda...
    I think that she certainly had some mental issues. No sane person would act like that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I sure bet that you could know when she was coming, especially if you were down wind from her. Yuk, for sure!!

  4. Hey Dizzy...
    I reckon you are certainly right about that! Can't even imagine it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. I agree she was not right mentally, even after causing her son to lose a leg it didn't change her. And yes her body must surely have been ripe with odor.

    Had to turn on the heater in the computer room this morning.

  6. Glad she's not my neighbor, Bubba! Enjoyed yesterdays' riddles - will run some by Henry this afternoon. The 6 year old will probably know them all, but I sure didn't!
    Big Hugs ~

  7. Hey Jo...
    Folks like her only think about themselves, I reckon.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweets!

    Hey Sis...
    He might surprise ya and know all of them.
    Thanks so much for coming over today!

  8. Sitting here chuckling; I got relatives that would give her a run for the title of miserly. When we start accusing you of acting like (several greats) Uncle Henry; that's a warning you need to step back and examine you penny-pinching ways. Y'all are right though, the ones I know personally 'ain't wrapped to tight'.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their coffee making apple fritters today if anyone would like one.

  9. Hey Judy...
    I do know what you mean about relatives like that. Luckily most of them are gone now.
    I would like an apple fritter, for sure! One of my favorites!
    Thanks for coming by today!
