Sunday, March 19, 2017

Let's Watch Them Again...!

Sometimes the 'toons are worth seeing again, so let's do that! Better the second time around, right?

And maybe one more...

Coffee out on the patio again this morning, whadda ya say?


  1. Great classics, Mr. Hermit!!!! Your patio will be a welcomed change - mine is still full of snow!!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    Glad you liked them.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Fun how you can remember just one and that was the zoo one. As soon as I saw the old lady and the monkey it brought a smile to my face.

    Patio sounds great.

  4. Loved the farm and Susie, Bubba. Haven't seen any of those in a coon's age! Thanks for bringing back memories ~ again.

    Big hugs ~

  5. Hey Jo...
    You know that making folks smile is my whole reason for doing them, right?
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Sis...
    My pleasure as always, Sis. Happy to do it.
    Thanks for coming by today!
