Saturday, March 11, 2017

Spreadable Coffee...?

Strange as it may sound, I understand that this is now a real item from Japan. Somehow this just doesn't do anything for me and my caffeine habit, ya know? I'll take my daily dose hot and in a cup, thanks just the same!

Spreadable coffee is now a thing that exists in Japan

What if—stay with me—what if, instead of coffee and toast for breakfast, you could have coffee on toast? Did I just blow your mind? Because as of March 1, we live in a world where such things are possible.

The Japanese company Snow Brand Milk Products has released a creamy spread flavored like its super-sweet coffee drinks. Caffeine addicts, take note: there’s probably not enough coffee in the spread to replace your morning joe. A look at the product’s nutritional information (loosely translated into English here) reveals a mix of sugar, emulsifiers, oil, and milk powder that will look very familiar to Nutella fans. Is this more of a coffee-scented spreadable sugar product than spreadable coffee per se? Yes. No matter. The age of spreadable coffee is here.

I can't see this ever replacing the java in our cups anytime in the near future. There is something about the smell and warmth of a fresh cup of coffee that hits the spot. Heck, a lot of folks that don't even like coffee do enjoy the smell, ya know?

Speaking of coffee' we'll have ours out on the patio again this morning!


  1. Nope not me, like you I want a nice warm liquid for my taste pallet. And my most favorite coffee at the moment is Dunkin's love that coffee.

    I'm on my way to the patio

  2. Hey Jo...
    Gotta be hot and liquid for me also.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    My feelings exactly!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  3. I love my coffee and want it triple extra strong and in cup.
