Sunday, May 21, 2017

More Sunday Funnies...!

Back to the old way of doing thing, I reckon. Cartoons on a Sunday seems natural right now!

And one more...

That's enough...I gotta get back to work...OK?

Coffee inside in case it rains today. Smell that home baked bread?


  1. Yeah comics! Do you need an extra pair of hands for your project? I'm a pretty good 'go-for'.

    I got a variety home-made jellies, jams, butters and marmalades to go with that fresh baked bread. What's your favorite? Mine's probably strawberry jam or a good apple butter or pear honey. LOL I'm really not that fussy!

  2. Nothing like cartoons on a rainy Sunday morning.
    Although the bread sounds wonderful I'll have to pass..I'm trying to lose a few pounds.

  3. Hey Judy...
    While I appreciate the offer, all that's left is the cleaning up...and I'm a lousy housekeeper.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now, I really don't think you need to worry about the extra couple of pounds. Just means more to cuddle up with!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. It's so nice to see these cartoon are older than I am. Love the Sunday morning cartoons.

    I bet you have one heck of a mess to clean up. fresh baked bread and home made jams and butter too. Hope I'm not to late.
