Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mystery Of The Band Of Holes...!

In doing so much research around the web, I've run across a lot of mysteries. Some are solved, many others are still a mystery.

This next article, taken from Listverse, is about a band of man-made holes and the reason they were created. Makes for some interesting reading, I tell ya!

Band of Holes

A rather overlooked phenomenon in Pisco Valley lies right on the same plateau as the very well-known Nazca Lines. A band of shallow holes has been carved into rock covering miles of uneven surface.

These holes number into the thousands; each a meter wide and up to two meters deep. Considering that they had been carved into mountain rock, a lot of hard labor must have gone into creating them. There is no discernible pattern to the holes, with some being in a straight line and others just haphazardly dotting the rock surface.

The only certain thing about these mysterious carvings is that they were man-made. Their purpose and who created them remains an unsolved mystery. A recent theory has been put forward that the holes could be the remains of an ancient Inca tax system. Other theories include vertical burials, food/water collection points, and trail markings.

I know that i8f I had gone through all the trouble to dig those holes, I'd be damned sure I let folks know where they came from and that I made them, ya know? Gotta take credit for those kinds of things, I think.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning. Temps are going to be in the high 80s.


  1. For sure I would have carved my name into the rock. I would want credit for all my hard work. think I heard about these holes in The Learning Channel. Good one. Cold and very damp around here. We set a record for all the rain we had in April.

  2. That's a lot of labor... maybe the High Mucktymuck woke up one morning and decided that he (or she) needed thousands of holes in the rock. And so it was..?

  3. I'm thinking water collection. Nah...aliens.

  4. Maybe to slow down an advancing enemy army? Even soldiers riding elephants would be slowed down.

  5. So many things we don't understand that early man created. The water collection sounds interesting.

    We are running low 90's around here to. See you on the patio

  6. Hey Linda...
    I'm with you on that. Someone should have signed them or made their mark, ya know?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Someone certainly put in a few hours digging. Guess we will never have the answer.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'll say that either one is acceptable to be.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Might even slow down a tank. Lots of holes there for something!
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey Jo...
    Man, you got that right! Mystery after mystery.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. I saw something about those on one of the Discovery Channel specials about Nasca. There's a lot about that place nobody can explain. And some of the current explanations are very imaginative, to say the least!

  8. Hey Harry...
    It's that way at many of the old sites. Lot's of mystery and unknowns about this place in particular.
    Thanks for joining us on the patio today!
