Sunday, July 2, 2017

Some Sunday Funnies From Long Ago...

I keep going back to the old cartoons, just because I think they are better than today!

And maybe just one more...

Guess that's enough for today. Have a great day...OK?

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. I agree that they are better. There's a modern one that is funny, though. Ever see Slappy the Squirrel and Who's on Stage?

  2. Hey Momlady...
    Haven't seen either of those. Guess I'll have to look it up and watch !
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. OK those are old alright.

    I need coffee got up late again and had to jump in the shower to be ready for my daughter. So fill er up Please

  4. I had not seen a Little Lulu cartoon in forever and had completely forgotten about Little Audrey. If you will refill my coffee cup I will go back to watching Dances With Wolves. I know you like this movie too. Love you,Bubba.

  5. I remember loving the Little Audrey comic books at cousin Mike's house. Thanks for this ~ stay cool. See you next week!
    Big hugs ~

  6. Hey Jo...
    Don't ya hate being late and having to rush? I know I used to!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey B...
    See? I can help remember some old memories from time to time.
    Thanks for coming over today, B.

    Hey Sis...
    I had forgotten about Mike's comics. Wish I had all those now...might be worth some money!
    Thanks for the visit today!
