Sunday, July 9, 2017

Something A Little Different...!

Instead of having the cartoons today, let's do some brain games instead. These are pretty easy, so you shouldn't have any trouble with them. Ready...?

There! That wasn't too bad, was it?

Coffee out on the patio again.


  1. Arrgh! Too early in the morning. But I guessed most of them. Need coffee now.

  2. Only got the first one to show and of course 16.

    I'm ready for coffee really don't want to be up this early but it is Sunday breakfast with my daughter so I'll just keep drinking coffee until I wake up

  3. Hey Barney...
    Were you able to get the others to load up?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Yeah, they can do that to your head.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Sorry you didn't get the others to show. I don't know what happened.
    Thanks for dropping in this morning!

  4. Bubba, this was very interesting. I enjoyed it. I would embarrass my self if I told you how many I had wrong so I will just copy Momlady and say I guessed most of them correctly. Love you.

  5. Pretty good, Bub. Guessed and got most, but not all. Missed a couple of the easier ones, I think, 'cause I tried to make them more difficult - duh!

    Enjoyed them all. Big hugs ~
