Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday Means Cartoons...!

Instead of the Sunday funny papers we used to have, We are going to make do with some Sunday 'toons.

Nothing new here, we have been doing this for a long time. I know some folks don't like them, but that's OK...we'll have them anyway.

How about one more...?

Ya know, when my sisters and I were kids...we would get up early on Saturday to watch cartoons and the serials that came on. Shows like Sky King, Zorro, Lone Ranger...all the good ol' shows. Sunday for us was reserved for going to church and the like. Afterwards we would have a big Sunday dinner. Sitting down together at the table, eating together, talking and catching up as a family. I don't reckon people do that much anymore.

Coffee out on the patio. Going to have to hurry before it gets too hot.


  1. Saturday morning cartoons and shows only it was raining. Otherwise I was outside, at least in warm weather. Sometimes in cold weather, too. I was sent to church by myself. Childhood memories are vague but I do remember the shows you mentioned.

  2. Hey Momlady...
    Having to go alone must have been a bummer! I spent a lot of time outside as well, though.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Sundays was a nice breakfast with dad being home and not working I don't remember going to church but I know we must have and then we all went over to spend the day with the family at my aunts house. All of us kids drove everyone crazy until my dad appeared and the eye brow went up haha all the kids quickly calmed down. funny because my dad was the sweetest man and never ever did he hit us we just felt the you better calm down right now look.

  4. Yeah, Jo, I know what you mean abut dads. All ours had to do was whistle and we all came running! Daddy was the one who disciplined big brother Hermit, but Mama got us girls.
    All in all, we had a pretty darn good childhood, I believe. We're all avid readers, had the chance to all go to college, and had numerous cousins, dogs, cats, and other playmates, and of course each other. Yes, we had Saturday chores, and big Sunday dinners after church, but many happy memories linger. Purple Onion birthday parties, Hootenannies, build our own Easter nests, climbing trees, chinaberry fights, 7 of us for 1 bathroom ..
    Thanks, Bubba, for stirring those memories up for me ...
    Big Hugs ~

  5. Hey Jo...
    Sometimes all it takes is a look or a raised eyebrow to get the message across. Of course, that was back in the day when parents disciplined their kids. Don't even get me started on manners.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Seems to me that most of my memories of childhood were happy ones. I'm sure there had to be some bad mixed in, but not bad enough for me to remember. I think that mom and dad were creative, more than anything. Always found a way to make things seem fun, ya know?
    Thanks for the visit today, Sis!
