Thursday, September 7, 2017

I Got Good News And Bad News...!

The good news is that my AC is fixed and running fine (for now ) and the house is starting to get back to a comfortable temp again. Jesse, the AC repairman, got here around  6:40 PM and in no time had it cooling like it is supposed to.

For those that don't know, I write my post ahead of time and set them to publish at 12:00 AM  This is where the bad news starts! I'm sitting here at my computer about 9:30PM or so Wednesday night, when I hear this loud CRASH coming from one of the spare bedrooms. Scared me enough to make me jump, 'cause it was fairly quiet at that time!

Long story short, when I went to check where the crash came from, I found a large portion of the ceiling sheetrock and insulation on the floor! I was pretty certain that wasn't where it was supposed to be, know what I mean?

Oh well...things could be worse. I'm still in much better shape than so many others here in the city and surrounding areas. I must be living right, or something. Just counting my blessings and thanking the Lord for the good stuff, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, where the temps have cooled off thanks to a cool front that came through  early Wednesday!


  1. Holy Crap!!! What a scary thing to happen. Just glad you weren't in the room when the ceiling fell. I am happy you have a more positive attitude about this incident and I think you are right that God is watching over you. I shudder to think of what might have happened. I'll bring some homemade apple pie to share today.

  2. Harvey just keeps on giving. Well glad the AC is working.

  3. Hey Linda...
    When I think about what could have happened, that's when I realize just how fortunate I am. I'm all set for some apple pie!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Yeah. that's a good thing. Fans are good, but can't beat the ol' ac in the South.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Like I have said owning a house is a never ending battle. So happy you weren't in that room and very happy you finally have your A/C back up and running. Did you have a leak in the roof that caused this to happen or was it from the house shifting in all that high wind?

    See you on the patio

  5. That's a different way to find a leak!

  6. Hey Jo...
    I don't know where or when the ceiling got wet, but I had no indication of a leak in the roof. At least, not until the sheetrock caved in.
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!

    Hey Rob...
    Different is right! Noisy, too!
    Thanks for coming over!

  7. Bubba, ...
    So sorry to hear this! Be sure to take pictures for the insurance and file a claim. Maybe with all the claims coming in now it will get taken care of quickly. All in all, we are so blessed to have Harvey give you and me a passing glance.
    Big hugs ~

  8. I guess we can be thankful there were no guests sleeping in that room!

  9. What room was it? Even if you had thought of new flooring, I'm feel comfortable in saying that is not what you had in mind. At least you didn't have to replace the entire ac unit. The roof repair will cost enough, I'm sure. Love you, Bubba.

  10. Guess you don't want to cool all of Houston. The ac won't do too much good with a hole in the roof.

  11. Hey Gorges...
    I very seldom have anyone stay here overnight...and I reckon that's a good thing.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey B...
    The collapse of the sheetrock was in the "sewing room", and wasn't very big. About 4 ft. or so. I was only using the room for storage.
    Thanks for checking in with me!

  12. Hey B...
    The roof itself wasn't leaking. The only damage was confined to that small area of the sewing room.

  13. Getting the AC working will dry out your home. The great weather we are having now will help also. When you said you hear that crash, I figured a tree had fallen on your house. Glad one didn't. Be safe.
