Monday, November 27, 2017

A Different Monday Mysteries Today...!

Instead of having the same old type of mysteries all the time, I figured we would go to nature once again and borrow some of her's, ya know?

And one more...

I hope no one has a problem with me putting up videos instead of typing out the post. Sure does make it easier for me, and I can still share some neat stuff with my followers.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I have some fresh peach cobbler I'll share!


  1. Those were great. Would love coffee on the patio -it's too cold for that here. Thanks for peach cobbler, I would love a piece.

  2. Don't you love a good mystery? I do. Thanks, HJ.

  3. Hey Linda...
    Still a bit cool here, but with the high temp predicted in the 70s it will be fine. Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Yes, I do enjoy a good mystery.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. Love these video's while pretty busy this morning I could just pause them run and do what ever can come back to it. Such interesting things in these videos. The ocean creatures are amazing and beuatiful. The others are great history stories.
