Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sunday Means Cartoons...!

Guess maybe I should change things around a bit and not be such a creature of habit. Not today, though.

Today it will be the 'toons like usual. Don't want to disappoint anyone, ya know?

And maybe just one more...

That's all I have today. Hope you enjoyed them.

Coffee out on the patio again. I hope you set your clocks back!


  1. Set my clocks back but sure don't feel like I got an "extra" hour's sleep.

  2. This morning both my phone & computer had the same time on them, I'm guessing they "fixed" themselves. It feels funny not doing it myself... I had to look at when sunset was on the weather app (540 CST) to see if the time change really happened! :-)

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I hear ya. Lately I seem to be sleepy more and more often. Hope it's not a bad sign!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    ith all the "smart" gadgets we have now days, they do almost everyhing but plug themselves in. It's almost scary!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Those 2 little critters sure can create a lot of trouble.

    We don't change our time here in AZ. But I still don't get why they think it needs to be done.
    Glad I don't work with all those different time zones anymore

  5. Hey Jo...
    Changing the time is a pain in the backside, and I don't know why we have to do it. But no one asked my opinion, so there ya are!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

  6. I hear ya. Lately I seem to be sleepy more and more often. Hope it's not a bad sign!

