Monday, November 13, 2017

Why Do We Yawn...?

Today for Monday Mysteries, we have another medical question. It's about yawning...

This is one of those things that we probably don't think about too much. Not only humans do it, but so does most of the animal kingdom. And another strange thing, it seems to be contagious!

Why Do We Yawn?

Everybody yawns. It’s not even just humans who do it—most animals yawn, too. But not matter how universal yawning might be, we have absolutely no idea why we do it.

People have been trying to figure out why we yawn since the fourth century BC. Hippocrates suggested that it might be to get rid of “bad air” and take in “good air.” Today, most people think it decreases carbon dioxide and increases oxygen levels in the blood, which means the same thing but makes you sound a lot smarter.

The problem with this explanation, though, is that it doesn’t really explain why we yawn when we’re tired. The logical explanation is that it has to do with the brain, but yawning doesn’t really seem to change the oxygen levels in the brain.

So why are we doing it? Why don’t we yawn when we really need that extra oxygen? Why don’t we yawn when we exercise?It doesn’t really make any sense, and we don’t really have a clear answer yet. As it turns out, that’s the case for a lot of things. We have our theories, but the truth is that there are a lot of aspects of the universe we just don’t understand

I don't exactly know why we yawn...but I do know that a yawn is just a silent scream for coffee!

Coffee out on the warm patio again this morning!


  1. I yawned thrice while reading this post. No blog slight intended.

  2. Your explanation makes perfect sense to me! I'm going to steal that line. Now where did I leave my coffee cup?

  3. I supposed it was because I needed more O2, but then I realized I yawn when I'm bored, too. Just another thing of damned if I know.

  4. I like your theory that a yawn is a scream for coffee. Some mornings I just can't seem to get enough caffeine.

  5. I remember sometime ago I was told about the O2 but I like your theory much better.

    I'm ready for my first cup on the patio.

  6. Now that I think about it, I don't remember ever yawning while drinking my extra, extra, extra strong coffee. My wife has a measuring spoon that measures one cup worth of coffee grounds. I use four or five of those for one cup of coffee. We use those funnel shaped things that sit on top of your cup and hold a coffee filter. That way, she can make her weak coffee and I can make my strong coffee.

  7. Hey Bigfoot...
    None taken, my friend...none taken.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Someone gave me a sweatshirt with that printed on it. Thought it made a good theme.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    That describes most mornings for me.More-so lately, I'm afraid.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm glad you liked it. Do we ever really get enough?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I could be wrong, but can't ever tell for sure!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Sounds like a great system to me.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  9. And why does watching someone else do it make me do it, too?
