Saturday, December 23, 2017

Some More Creepy Critters...!

You know, sometimes I can find the strangest things on my travels around the web. When I do, I naturally want to share them with you all.

This video is about 5 of the creepiest critters that nature can come up with, although I'm sure she has plenty more she could throw at us if she wanted.

See what I mean? Down right creepy for sure!

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. I got a care package from Momlady and, if you behave, I'll share some with you...OK?


  1. So glad you got the care package. It's actually from me and K. She made all the cookies. I made the meringues. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and that the new year brings good health. We had a great Winter Solstice celebration.

  2. Hey Momlady...
    Be sure and thank K for me, in case I don't connect with her soon! You ladies are something special, let me tell ya!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Your right these things are creepy.The narrator is quite amusing too.

    We have warmed up we only went down to 32 overnight. How nice of Momlady to send you some Christmas cheer.

  4. I bet if any of those creatures got a look at me that they would think that I was really creepy. . .

  5. that picture is the brementown musicians.
