Sunday, January 7, 2018

Time For Sunday 'Toons...!

Once again it's time to have a few laughs and enjoy some cartoons from the old days.

And maybe just one more...

Well, that enough for this morning. Have a great day.

Coffee out on the patio. I think it's warm enough today!


  1. Somehow you always pick out the good ones. Thanks for the smiles.

  2. Good giggles to start the day.

    Patio!! YAY So happy it's warming up for you not bad here this morning either. Hope it stays that this way off to the Desert Museum to pet Sting Rays.

  3. Hey Momlady...
    Glade that they are to your liking. The old school ones ares always better to me.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Been a while since we have been able to enjoy the patio. If the weather holds up, we'll be fine.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!
