Monday, February 26, 2018

Yosemite Back On Monday Mystery...!

Sometimes there are just too many mysterious happenings in a certain place to not revisit it. Take Yosemite Park, for instance.

The Mystery of the Severed Deer Heads

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In 1998, a ranger for the Backcountry Division had a truly unsettling experience while out patrolling on foot. He stumbled across not one, not two, but three freshly severed deer heads placed meticulously in the middle of the trail. After the first two, he began to grow uneasy, being 30 miles away from his vehicle, but he never encountered the culprit and the mystery was never solved.

Like I said, way too many mysteries coming out of Yosemite with no seemingly easy answers. By the way, this article came from The Line-Up.

How about coffee out on the patio again today?


  1. Wow! That is strange. I decant even imagine why anyone would do that, unless it was some sort of satanic ritual maybe? Patio sounds great. I'll bring a crumb cake if anyone wants some.

  2. I think I'll blame the aliens. Thanks for the crumb cake Mamahen. That always goes well with coffee.

  3. Some sick hunter probably did it. Send some sun this way please. I'm beginning to feel a bit soggy. Crumb cake sounds good. Thank you.

  4. That is so messed up. I hope they at least used the meat even though I don't think hunting is permitted there.

    Patio sounds better at your place than the 34 degrees here, and bonus crumb cake to go with the coffee.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Who knows why folks do what they do? Definitely unbalanced, I'd say. Appreciate the crumb cake!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Not anyone civilized, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I can't imagine a hunter doing something so sick, but you never know.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. Hey Jo...
    It is messed up, and you are correct that hunting isn't allowed there.
    Thanks for dropping in today, dear!

  7. The ranger didn't find the rest of the deer?
    Coffee on the patio would be great!

  8. Hey Rob...
    Doesn't appear that he ever found a trace of the rest.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. Probably some poachers, and why carry parts of the der out that you can't eat, like the head.

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, I reckon that makes sense.
    Thanks for the visit!
