Monday, April 30, 2018

Gold For Monday Mystery...!

If all the legends are true, there is still a lot of golden treasure that remains unfound.

Here is a story from the days of the civil war that focuses on one of the most well known of those treasures...the Dents Run treasure.

The Legend Of The Dents Run Gold

There are a lot of hidden treasures still waiting to be found. In the United States, the Civil War in particular spawned many tales of buried gold, and the FBI may have actually uncovered one of these caches.

According to legend, shortly before the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, the Union Army dispatched a wagon full of gold to pay its soldiers. It set off from Wheeling, West Virginia, but disappeared somewhere near Dents Run in Elk County, Pennsylvania. Since then, numerous treasure hunters, historians, and private investigators scoured those woods in hopes of finding the lost gold, all to no avail.

In March 2018, the FBI set up shop nearby in Benezette Township and started digging. They obtained a court authorization to do it, which led to speculation that they had to have convincing evidence that the gold might be there.

The FBI provided few details regarding their intentions. Spokeswoman Carrie Adamowski simply said that they were conducting an excavation, concluding that “nothing was found.”[9] However, local media reported that Dennis and Kem Parada were present at the dig site. The two run a treasure recovery service called Finders Keepers and have been searching for the Civil War loot for decades. Other local historians are far more skeptical regarding the existence of the gold, but even they admit that the involvement of the FBI adds a new layer to the mystery.

Now, I have to ask myself just what was the interest of the FBI in something generally thought of as a legend or myth? Does their involvement mean that something was actually found, despite all the claims to the contrary? Certainly lends an air of mystery to the whole thing, don't you think?

Coffee out on the sunny patio again this morning!


  1. i figure it was spent right about the time it disappeared by insiders. probably long gone.

  2. I never heard of the lost gold until a few years ago. We used to do a bit of trout fishing in that area back in the early seventies. If we knew about the treasure we may have gotten gold fever and wasted all our time looking for it. As it was, we discovered something just as good as gold. The "Eternal Tap" at the Straub Brewery in St. Marys, PA which was on the way to Bennezette. Hey, free beer! What could be better than that? That's long gone, too. Just like the gold probably is................

  3. Don't know why the FBI would get involved. Very unusual.

  4. Hey Deborah...
    More than likely you are correct.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Taminator...
    Sounds like a discovery worth it's weight in gold to me.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Does seem a little strange for them, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit.

  5. If I saw the FBI digging (I watch television :-) I'd think it was a serial killers burial site or something like that.

    This is the 21st Century America, why wouldn't the the Federal Bureau of Investigation be out digging for civil war treasure? It's not like they much else to do...

  6. Hey Rob...
    More than likely that would be my first impression as well.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  7. I saw some thing about this gold a few years ago and these treasure seekers where digging up some town but never found anything. But the FBI dang!

    Patio it is

  8. The FBI...well that sure sounds fishy!

  9. That certainly is a head scratcher. The FBI involvement is a special twist.
    Another wet and cold morning in the North Country. Good coffee drinking weather.

  10. We had a camp in that area. The story goes that the town of Benezette got its name from the time that there were two brothers living their and took a walk in the woods. The brother whose name was Benny got ate by a bear and the surviving brother ran back to town screaming that Benny got ate by a bear or Benny's ett. When I lived in Pennsylvania I loved to go to that area especially in the Fall of the year. The mountains were painted in lots of beautiful colors.

  11. Hey Jo...
    Always makes me wonder when the FEDS get involved...must be something going on somewhere.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    It does, doesn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Normally they couldn't be bothered with something like that, I would think.
    Thanks for coming over today, my friend!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I've heard that the colors in the north country are really beautiful in the Fall.
    Thanks for the visit today, Dizzy!
