Monday, May 28, 2018

Missing Tourists For Monday Mysteries...!

First of all, let me try and explain where I was over the last couple of days, and why I didn't post anything Sunday.

Actually I did a post late Saturday warning about not posting Sunday. We had about 5 or 6 instantences of power outages Saturday off and on all day. In between the power failures, I made an effort to tell everyone about not having any power, but my warning post never showed up. Go figure...

But enough about my personal mystery, let's look at the case of the missing tourists.

The Missing Germans

Photo credit;

Death Valley National Park is a vast area of barren land, sprawling over three million acres from California to Nevada. On a day that was 49 degrees Celsius (120 °F) in July 1996, four German tourists went missing without a trace. Their last known location was a small ghost town where they had written in a visitors’ book, “We are going through the pass.” Rangers assume that means the Mengel Pass.

When the family wasn’t on their flight home, Interpol was alerted. On August 14, they were officially reported missing. Their rental van was found abandoned on October 23 with three flat tires. No wallets or passports were ever found, leading many to believe that the group had been kidnapped.

However, in 2009, human bones were discovered in Death Valley. Authorities claimed that they were “fairly certain” that the bones belonged to the missing Germans. However, no one has heard any update on the case since.

Sorry again about missing all day Sunday. But when the power goes out, not a lot you can do.

Coffee out on the patio this morning, if it isn't raining!


  1. I'm glad to hear that your missing Sunday was nothing more than the result of a power outage! As for the missing Germans, that is a real dad scratcher. As for the rain, we, take our chances. Have a safe holiday!

  2. I am glad that it was only a power outage and nothing more serious. Doesn't surprise me about someone gone missing in Death Valley. That is one nasty place. Hot and very humid here but no rain for a change. Happy Memorial Day and thank you for your service.

  3. Just glad it wasn't because of health reasons. Apparently the tourists thought a good hike was in order not realizing just how hot it gets there.

  4. It's annoying when power and communications blink in and out. People disappear all the time and often nothing is ever heard from them again. Fresh coffee to start the day. Enjoy the holiday.

  5. I figured you had a reason but if you didn't post today I would start to worry about My Special Friend so I am thankful you are fine.

    I can't imaging that when they signed into the Ghost Town book no one told them about the danger of the heat in Death Valley and how unwise it would be to hike there. I'm sure by time they found the car the tires would have gone flat from the extreme heat and then cold. But it did look like they drove the car off road. Guess it's just another great mystery that may never be uncovered.

  6. Not enough coffee yet

    Thank You for your Service to Our Country

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    I just didn't want anyone to worry!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Can't fight the power outages, for sure.
    Thanks for the nice comments.
    Thanks, also, for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I appreciate your concern, but luckily t was not health related. I'm still fairly healthy, I think.
    Many thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Annoying for certain, considering that we cannot control when it happens or how often.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    You know I would have said something if I could, right?
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!
