Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Two-Tone Monument...!

I probably would have never guessed that the Washington Monument was two different colors until I saw this picture.

I guess that once you read the explanation for the difference, it slowly makes a little sense. Still, once you see it...it can't be unseen.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower. 

Construction on the Washington Monument began in 1848 with funding coming entirely from private donations. But within six years the eponymous Washington Monument Society had burned through its budget, and work on the obelisk ground to a halt. The 152-foot tall marble stub was capped with a wooden roof, and the project sat dormant for years as a source of national embarrassment.

At the time, the federal government had more pressing business to attend to than memorial building—namely fighting the Civil War and then reconstructing the South. The project finally resumed 20 years later in 1878, and the Army Corps of Engineers took over construction of the monument. The only problem was that the original marble quarry, Thomas Symington’s in Baltimore, was no longer in operation.

The engineers did their best to find a match, signing a contract with a nearby quarry owned by Hugh Sission and completing the monument in 1884. The Army Corps of Engineers official history of the project notes that by 1900, high levels of interior condensation “began penetrating the joints of the outer walls, causing the [new] marble ashler to discolor.” The effect has grown more dramatic over the years, and today the two sections are quite apparent. While some see the color disconnect as an architectural flaw, others view the marble stripe as an ugly but interesting wrinkle in the Washington Monument’s history.

It's kinda typical of the way things go in D.C., I guess. We start so many projects that we don't have the funds available to finish. I reckon the way governments like ours can blow through so much money on some things, we shouldn't be surprised.

Coffee out on the patio where it's gonna be hot!


  1. That's interesting. It does make sense though. See you on the patio:))

  2. I noticed the color change back in 1965 when I first visited Washington D.C. I don't feel it affects the awesomeness of the monument in any way. Too bad the PTB can't get their act together and run this Country on a balanced budget. I know I could not run my household spending more than I take in and living on credit (especially if it was credit from a foreign government).

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Another one of those bits of trivia from the history books we never heard before.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I guess it would be hard not to notice. Never seen it myself in person.
    Thanks for coing by this morning!

  4. I am somewhat of an isolationist and believe that we should stop letting people in and stop sending money to those who would love to see us fall. We need to take care of our own and stop trying to be the world's keeper. It looks like the monument was started by a private group, then taken over by the government. Guess it was too much of an embarrassment. Anyone know the reasoning behind it

  5. I have never seen the monument since I drove through in the middle of the night, but I can't see why anyone would consider it ugly. But yes like the others here feel I also feel that this government just doesn't know how to budget.

    I'll hang out with you on the patio until it gets to hot. right now it's 65 so I have the windows open and just fans running but that really won't last long 103 yesterday and today will be the same.

  6. Did you know that our San Jacinto Monument is a 570 feet tall and the Washington Monument is only 555 feet tall? Everything is bigger in Texas!!!!

  7. Good story! I'm going to have to notice that when we get to DC.

  8. Heard of this, Bubba, but I didn't really notice it from the bus. Maybe if we ever get closer, I'll pay more attention. And I agree (as usual) with Momlady.
    Thanks for the story ~

  9. Hey Momlady...
    I tend to agree with you that we should stop sending money to those that want to end our ways. we can't continue to try to police the world.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I don't think the word budget is in their vocabulary.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I did not know that! Learn something new every day...thanks for the info.
    Thanks also for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Let us know if you can tell the difference...OK?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sis...
    Let me know what you see when you get up there.
    Thanks for coming by today!
