Thursday, May 10, 2018

Why Is It Called That...?

Ever wonder about the reason some planets are named what they are? Well, here is a bit of planetary history that might help just a tad. From the folks over at Did You Know, here is the story.

Pluto was named by an 11-year-old British girl. One day, Venetia Burney was having breakfast with her grandpa, who was reading about the new planet and wondering what it would be called. She had read about Greek and Roman legends, so she asked him, “Why not call it Pluto?” Grandpa later passed on her suggestion to an astronomer at Oxford University, and the rest is history.

Poor old Pluto...just can't seem to catch a break, no matter what.

Coffee out on the you didn't know.


  1. Whenever I hear the name Pluto I think of the Disney character, then the planet. The little girl was very clever in thinking of a roman legend. Rain again today.

  2. I've sometimes wondered how the planets got their names. Now I know about at least one. Thanks, HJ.

  3. Hey Linda...
    At that age, I'm not sure I had even heard of Pluto. Smart kid!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Strange how the source of some of the planets' names we are unfamiliar with. I don't remember being taught that in school.
    Thanks for coming over today

  4. When I started to read about the 11 year old naming it I thought of the cartoon character too.

    Better fill my coffee cup so I can start thinking straight

  5. Being an amateur astronomer, I have heard that story before and from all accounts, it is true.

  6. Crazy day today...Hopefully I make it to the patio earlier tomorrow:))

  7. Hey Jo...
    Easy to make that association.
    Cuffee refills are always handy here...but you knew that.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    From all the indications I could find, it is true indeed.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    lately all my days are a little crazy...or maybe it's just me.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
