Saturday, June 16, 2018

Breaking A World Record...!

Something that many folks might like to do is setting a new world anything! The folks in this story did it the hard way, and probably didn't even know it!

Broke A World Record

Photo credit:

Two people have broken a world record while in a persistent vegetative state, namely the record for the longest time spent in a persistent vegetative state.

The first was Chicago-born Elaine Esposito, who fell into a coma at age six in August 1941 after undergoing a routine operation to remove her appendix. Despite a bleak diagnosis from doctors, the girl lived a further 37 years, three months, and 20 days. She died as a Guinness World Record holder in November 1978.

Esposito’s record stood for nearly three decades until it was broken by Edwarda O’Bara, who had fallen into a diabetic coma as a high school student in January 1970. A native of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, O’Bara survived both of her parents before dying in November 2012. She had been asleep for 42 years—said to be longer than anyone else in history.

I sure hope these families had some good health insurance, because I know the hospital bill must have been astronomical!

Coffee outside because the rain has cooled things off a bit.


  1. Can you imagine the strain these families must have felt watching there loved ones in that situation?

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    I can imagine it was very, very hard. What a heartbreaking situation.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. Can you imagine being stuck in a sleeping body for all those years?

  4. I sure don't plan on breaking that record. My wife and I already have living wills to prevent that. As hard as it would be to pull the plug on a loved one I think that it may be even harder in the long run to watch them linger. We'd rather not burden our daughter with that decision..............

  5. I wouldn't want to have to live that way and you don't even know if there is any awareness on that persons part. That is the worst thing. I too have a living will.

    On a much happier note.. we have RAIN! started out slow yesterday and then it stayed steady.
    But I will do the patio

  6. Hey Rob...
    I can't even imagine it, nor do I want to.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Taminator...
    I can certainly understand that. Not a decision you would wish on a loved one.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I am sure glad you finally got some rain! We have more on the way.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!
