Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday Cartoons Once More...!

I just can't seem to get away from the old 'toons from long ago. Must be an age thing, I reckon. Anyway, here are some for you to enjoy.

And just one more...

OK...that's enough fun for now. Let's have another cup of coffee.


  1. Nothing like laughter first thing on a rainy Sunday. They said no more rain in the forecast for at least a week. Wonder what they call this. Been raining most of the night and a good steady rain coming down. Yes time for coffee while listening to the rain.

  2. Good toons for a Sunday morning:))

  3. Hey Jo...
    Rainy Sundays are the best time for cartoons and coffee. Love the sound of the rain on the roof.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I'm glad that you liked them, my friend.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!
