Monday, August 6, 2018

Copper Scrolls For Monday Mysteries...!

Now here is a mystery slightly different from the ones we normally have here. Copper scrolls telling the locations of treasure...LOTS of treasure! Trouble is, no one seems to fully understand it.

Lost Treasure Of The Copper Scroll

Photo credit: Ancient Origins

Discovered by an archaeologist on March 14, 1952, the enigmatic Copper Scroll stands in stark contrast to all other Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran Caves. The material, author, script, language, and style all suggest that it was added to Cave 3 at a different date than the 14 other works made of parchment and papyrus. According to Professor Richard Freund, the Copper Scroll is “probably the most unique, most important, and least understood.”

In 1955, unable to unroll the corroded scroll, researchers had to break it apart to access its content. The language within bore little similarity to that of the other Dead Sea Scrolls. Dated between AD 25 and 100, the copper scroll contains a list of 64 locations where fabulous treasure could be found. It references enormous caches of gold, silver, tithing vessels, and priestly vestments worth over a billion dollars in today’s money.

Seems to me that someone should be working overtime to find out more about where this "lost" treasure is located. I think I would be.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's a tad cooler than it has been.


  1. Very interesting! I agree with you, and am surprised there hasn't been ire interest in locating this treasure. It is going to be pretty hot here today they say, then rain the next two days. Save me a seat on the patio:))

  2. I vaguely remember hearing about this scroll. If I were an archeologist I know for a fact I would be working overtime to decipher it. We are finally getting some much needed rain here. My front lawn feels like concrete when you walk on it.

  3. Seems to me that someone would be working overtime to decipher that scroll. Wish I could send the rain we're getting to those who need it. I'm beginning to feel a bit waterlogged.

  4. Hey Gorges...
    Guess that not many people have heard of it.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Guess they just are not interested in historical treasure...right !
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm glad you are finally getting rain. It sure helps cool things down.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Boy, I'm with ya there. I'd sure take some of that rain, for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Wow!! I always loved a good treasure hunt. Got your bags packed? Oh my, I guess I am putting the cart before the horse. First we have to figure out where to look.

  6. Great mystery this one is. I bet someone somewhere is working on this.

    Going to be 109 today another day on cave living but I will have coffee on the patio with everyone first.
