Monday, October 15, 2018

Anton Pilipa On Monday Mystery...!

Most of the time when someone goes missing, there seems to be some clue as to where they went. In this case from Listverse, not only were there no clues, but there were many questions about how this young man managed to get so far from home without any I.D. or papers.

Anton Pilipa

Photo credit: News Cult

Anton Pilipa disappeared from Toronto in 2012, shortly before he was due to appear in a local court on assault and weapons charges. As the years rolled by, it seemed less and less likely that Pilipa, who suffered from schizophrenia, would ever be found.

However, in early 2017, Pilipa was found wandering around near Manaus in the Amazon rain forest. Amazingly, he traveled across ten borders without documentation or any form of identification before landing up in Buenos Aires, where he was refused entry. From there, he headed to Brazil. Police found Pilipa and took him to a hospital, from which he escaped and then disappeared into the forest. He was later discovered again (in the forest), and his family was notified via social media.

It remains unknown just how Pilipa managed to travel that far without anyone suspecting anything strange regarding his lack of documentation and why he disappeared in the first place.

I will admit that the crossing of that many borders is a mystery, but another question might be how he managed to earn any money without some form of identification for all those years.

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. This can open lots of door to speculation, there are lots of forest land for him to wander through, get a job on a fishing boat or a cargo ship. So many guesses and forage or steal food. Good one this morning my Friend.

    Ready for coffee on the patio, chilly here this morning.

  2. Hey Jo...
    It's a bit chilly here as well. Quite a change from the hot temps we've been having!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  3. I can see how he could cross borders, going through the wilder lands. Even can see how he could find work. The interesting thing is that he did all that while suffering from mental illness.

  4. Hey Sixbears...
    It is remarkable, for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Great outside, huh, Bubba? I'll take some of that coffee, thanks, and bring some pecan cobbler to go with it. Nice to think Fall is finally here!

    Big hugs ~

  6. Hey Sis...
    Yeah, I am definitely loving this cool weather! Bring on that cobbler!
    Thanks for "Falling" in today!

  7. I am really late gettimg here...There is lots of room for speculation for sure. Sure hope there is come of th a cobbler left:))

  8. Hey Mamahen...
    I saved ya some cobbler, so don't worry.
    Thanks for coming over today!
