Monday, October 1, 2018

Mysterious Grave Of John Renie...!

Every once in a while, someone plays a prank on us from their final resting place. Were they being mean, or just going out with a chuckle?

John Renie

Photo credit: Robert Cutts

Welsh house painter John Renie died in 1832. The unusual inscription on his grave takes the form of a grid, 19 squares across and 15 squares high. In each square is a letter. The center row, for example, reads “o J s e i L e r e H e r e L i e s J o.” You can make out some clear words. “Here” and “Lies” are in that in that string above, and you can see the start of “John.” But why the jumble?

After 170 years, a local TV station finally analyzed it, determining that it was a type of acrostic puzzle. Starting at the H in the very center and working outward, the sentence “Here Lies John Renie” can be read in 46,000 different ways.

Some people say Renie was trying to fool the devil, to keep his soul safe. The local vicar thinks they’re taking the inscription too seriously. He expects it “was just a bit of fun” meant to provide entertainment for those that saw it.

I actually think that this is a cool way to be remembered after you pass. Kinda leave them thinking about the riddle and not feeling too sad.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. It certainly sticks out from most of the gravestones out there. Looks like another crisp morning out there, perfect for a hot cup of coffee.

  2. Well that certainly is different. I would like to think he was just going for the humor. I will bring some fresh pumpkin spice cookies to share while we ponder this:))

  3. That sure is a different type of tombstone. Cold and raining here this morning. Cookies sound good - thanks Mamahen.

  4. Hey Sixbears...
    Yeah, it is rather unique for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I believe you on the humor thing.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Different is a good way to describe it, I reckon.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. 186 years later we're still talking about the house painter John Renie.

  6. Hey Rob...
    Guess he managed to catch our attention, and that may have been his intent.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  7. Some headstones are definitely meant to be remembered.

  8. Maybe he liked riddles and puzzles, or he did have a wonderful sense of humor like Mamahen said.

    Pouring rain here good day to relax and listen to it falling. But first coffee on the patio with friends and Mamahen's cookies.

  9. Hey Momlady...
    I reckon that this one will be actually just that.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Listening to the falling rain always makes me sleepy. I really like to hear it.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!
