Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Nevada Becomes A State...!

It's always interesting how the government can and will often change all the rules in order to meet their own agenda. That's how it went with the admission of Nevada to the ranks of the states, and securing support for Lincoln in the battle for the re-election to President.

The U.S. Congress admits Nevada as the 36th state

On this day in 1864, anxious to have support of the Republican-dominated Nevada Territory for President Abraham Lincoln’s reelection, the U.S. Congress quickly admits Nevada as the 36th state in the Union.

In 1864, Nevada had only 40,000 inhabitants, considerably short of the 60,000 normally required for statehood. But the 1859 discovery of the incredibly large and rich silver deposits at Virginia City had rapidly made the region one of the most important and wealthy in the West. The inexpert miners who initially developed the placer gold deposits at Virginia City had complained for some time about the blue-gray gunk that kept clogging up their gold sluices. Eventually several of the more experienced miners realized that the gunk the gold miners had been tossing aside was actually rich silver ore, and soon after, they discovered the massive underground silver deposit called the Comstock Lode. Unlike the easily developed placer deposits that had inspired the initial gold rushes to California and Nevada, the Comstock Lode ore demanded a wide array of expensive new technologies for profitable development. For the first time, western mining began to attract investments from large eastern capitalists, and these powerful men began to push for Nevada statehood.

The decisive factor in easing the path to Nevada’s statehood was President Lincoln’s proposed 13th Amendment banning slavery. Throughout his administration Lincoln had appointed territorial officials in Nevada who were strong Republicans, and he knew he could count on the congressmen and citizens of a new state of Nevada to support him in the coming presidential election and to vote for his proposed amendment. Since time was so short, the Nevada constitutional delegation sent the longest telegram on record up to that time to Washington, D.C., containing the entire text of the proposed state constitution and costing the then astronomical sum of $3,416.77.

Their speedy actions paid off with quick congressional approval of statehood and the new state of Nevada did indeed provide strong support for Lincoln. On January 31, 1865, Congress approved the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning slavery.

Guess that's how it's done in the political world. If the rules and standards don't quite fit.;..change them, Problem solved!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone !


  1. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours...isn't that the way its done? I'll meet you all on the patio:))

  2. Steeeaetach the rules to meet the need, I guess. Seems to be heading that way with the horde of aliens approaching our borders.

    Hugs for the day ~

  3. Happy Halloween. Looks like politicians haven't changed one bit in all these years. Bend or stretch the rules to meet your wants. Anything goes where votes are involved. Have a good day.

  4. Happy Samhain everyone. Yes, the government does as it pleases. As to the masses approaching our border I sincerely hope they are turned back.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    That seems to be how it goes, alright!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Glad you found it so.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sis...
    I have a real bad feeling about this whole situation on the border, let me tell ya.
    Thanks for the visit, Sis.

    Hey Linda...
    Gotta give the appearance of doing the legal thing.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    One can only hope that the turning can be done without violence, but I am not too hopeful.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. Rules is too strong a word for politics sometimes, "guidelines" fits so much better...

  7. Hey Rob...
    I tend to agree with yo on that. It does fit much better.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. Remember what Mark Twain said? "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." Our system of government isn't perfect but it is the best one in the world. Of course, like my father-in-law used to say, the it would only be better if he were the supreme ruler (grin).

  9. Well I guess it worked out for a few deep pockets as always.

    Happy Halloween!

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    I like that saying and probably would agree with your F-I-L if I had known him.
    Thanks for the visit this morning.

    Hey Jo...
    Funny how works, isn't it? Always has, always will...I guess.
    Many thanks dear, for dropping in today!
