Tuesday, October 9, 2018

One Roof Town...!

Now even though I live in a big city, I don't think I want to be this close to my neighbors. In fact, I know I don't ! Privacy must not be much of a concern for these folks.

A Town Under One Roof

Photo credit: Jessica Spengler

In Whittier, Alaska, nearly the entire population of 218 people resides in a single building! This 14-story condominium was originally designed as an Army barracks during the 1950s and was made a residence in 1969, about five years after the Army moved out. The building, now known as Begich Towers, doesn’t just have people living in it but is nearly a fully functional tiny town under one roof. The building also serves as a church, the police station, a convenience store, and the post office for the town, 100 kilometers (60 mi) south of Anchorage.

In this so-called “town under one roof,” keeping secrets is much more difficult than in other small towns. However, since Whittier is situated between mountains and the sea, the town, or rather building, can mostly only be accessed by boat from long distances. Or, you can take a very long one-lane tunnel that runs one way underneath the mountains for certain portions of the day. While this setup might look strange, isolated, and perhaps even uncomfortable, Whittier’s residents seem to get along quite well and are a very close-knit community.

I found this article over on Listverse, for what it's worth. I'm not sure why these folks want to all live under one roof, but I reckon whatever rocks their boat.

Coffee out on thew patio again today!


  1. Yeah, that's not for me! I'll see everyone on the patio:))

  2. I just can't see myself living comfortably under those conditions. My claustrophobia would be in high gear. See ou all on the patio.

  3. Not only no, but hell no. I moved to the country for a reason. If you ever watch Railroad Alaska you'll see the tunnel.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Yeah, me neither. Way too crowded.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm afraid that mine would kick in as well.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    That's the same way I feel. Too crowded for me, I'm afraid!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. I don't think that would work for me. I don't even like where I live now much to close for comfort.

    See you all on the patio. Then dash off to eye appt that didn't happen last week do to the store having flood issues

  6. I could never, ever live in a place like that!!!
